secondhand serenade-goodbye

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Jun, 12 2016 at 6:24pm
Kalo lo udah ngomong putus walaupun gajadi putus, perasaan lo bakal beda. -sarah

Jun, 15 2016 at 1:14pm

It's hurts so bad

Jun, 15 2016 at 8:13pm
Ya karna mau gamau gue harus relain ilma kan? Gimanapun kalo akhirnya begini yaudah. Semua salah digue yg bikin kita udahan. Gapapa gamarah ko gue, gimanapun ilma udah cukup ngasih gue hal2 baik,kenangan, cerita. gaperlu akhir yg bahagia. Gue bukan satu2nya yg broken mungkin ilma lebih dari gue. Thanks ;)

It's a shame that I had to be this way
It's not enough to say  I'm sorry
It's not enough to say I'm sorry
Maybe I'm so blind or maybe we're the same
but either way I can't breathe
either way I can't breathe

And I had to say goodbye
We're better off this way
We're better off this way
I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive
'Couse everything we've been through
It's everything about you
Seem to be a lie, a countless, twisted lie
that made me learn to hate you
I hate myself for letting it pass by

And evwry, everything isn't only what it seems
so hope these words that you never told me
it's time to say goodbye. - secondhand serenade - goodbye

What? Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang