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Rosa's POV

'Ah,life. It can get so confusing sometimes' I thought to myself.

It is 11 p.m. right now while I am laying on my bed waiting for tomorrow to come so I can make my wish. But, the thing that is not letting me get any sleep is what will my wish be?

I really want something money can't buy. I don't mind expensive stuff every year, but I like sentimental things more. I don't like rejecting the stuff my parents get me though since they worked for the life they have now and I'm proud of them. They both worked for money and now we are rich.

My family doesn't understand this though as I am an only child and should want to be spoiled rotten as they have said to me before, but I don't like the things it does to people.

I also have a schedule.

1. Brush teeth/Get dressed
2. Eat
3. Board meeting
4. Dancing class
5. Proper lady class
6. Gym
7. Dinner
8. Sleep

It's not a school schedule though it's my summer schedule, but next week school starts so It will get replaced by my school one and so on and so on once school ends.

So I lay here contemplating a wish, hoping that if I wish for it, that there is a possibility of it coming true.

I don't even know the wish I want and I'm already hoping it comes true. Wow. I feel like Pinocchio when he wished to be a real boy when he didn't even know what it's like to actually be one.

And then it hit me "Yes! That is going to be my wish" I yelled not even realizing I had.

Someone on the lower part of the house yelled "Be quiet Rosa!"

"Sorry" I whisper yelled loud enough for them to hear me.

I heard moving around below me and I think they went back to bed. "I should too" I thought. So I fell asleep.

The yellow of the sun glowing through the blinds that fell on my eyes woke me up. I quietly jumped off my bed and walked to the hallway. There were maids going back and forth through the doors. Luckily they were too busy rushing around to see me go into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair that fell down to her shoulders with a tiny nose and bright blue eyes. She had snow white skin and was 5'2". She didn't have a flat chest, but didn't have curves either. Wearing a silk pink night gown.

This little girl was me. People all said 'She just needs a growth spurt', 'She's gonna get bigger' or 'Once she hits 15 she'll get bigger'. I don't blame them though they were just trying to be positive. But, today I am turning seventeen and I haven't grown since the age of twelve. I am not disappointed though, I like my height.

I brushed my teeth and gargled mouth wash. As soon as I turned the door nob and opened the door I was bombarded with happy birthday greetings. All of the maids stood in the hallway smiling.

"Thank you guys" I smiled and started hugging them and it just turned into a huge group hug.

After we all finished hugging. Pearl, a maid who has known me as a child. She had blonde hair with black eyes and was in her thirties, but still looked to be in her twenties. "We have to get back to decorating the house for your party, but we all pitched in to make you this" she said handing me a huge poster that had little paragraphs from all of them.

"You guys know me so well" I said. "I'll hang it up in my room"

"We knew you would love it, it's your birthday be happy honey " haitey another maid that has known me as a child. She had black hair with grayness over coming it and loving green eyes and was in her fortys.

"I will" I said and walked to my room and looked at the dress I picked out yesturday. It was a pink twirly summer dress. I slipped the dress on and put on my white flats. Then I combed my hair and kept it down. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen where the cook was making my favorite breakfast blueberry waffles. They smell so good.

"Hello, hank how are you doing today?" I greeted the cook.

"Very good thankyou for asking Rosa, I made you blueberry waffles for your birthday breakfast." Hank Said handing me a plate with two waffles on it.

"Thankyou" I said. "Oh do you know where mom and dad are?"

"They had to go get something real quick" he frowned "they'll be back soon though" "Happy birthday Rosa" he smiled. Hank started as a cook three years ago and is twenty-four. He has short brown hair and tree bark brown eyes he is 6' and has big muscles even though all he does is cook most of the time.

"Thankyou" I said before walking out and into the living room. I turned on the TV and was starting to watch Adventure time when a commercial came on for men's cologne. It started with a boy with bad acne saying something like 'I never thought using cologne could change my whole life' then he morphed into this huge guy with black hair, tan skin and brown eyes and perfect white teeth. I looked at his face and I thought I recognized it from somewhere but the commercial ended before I could get a better look. 'Eh' I thought.

After I finished my waffles I rinsed the plate and fork off and put it in the sink. Then, I went to the backyard and read my book about different types of flowers until the party would get close to starting.

After I heard someone yell my name I ran to the house. My mom and dad were waiting on the inside looking relieved. My mom said "Where did you go we couldn't find you in the house at all?"

"Sorry mom I just got caught up in my book and didn't realize what time it was." I said

"It's fine honey just tell us next time" she said.

"Oh and the guests are going to arrive any time soon so get ready to greet them by the door" Dad said.

As soon as I walked to the door family members came piling in as well as a few co-workers of my parents and some of my friends from my old school.

Everyone was done coming in when the doorbell rang so I opened the door, but no one was there. Except a small pink box with a white ribbon around it and a note that said "For you". Curiosity got the best of me when I opened the box their was a note inside that said "Happy birthday" Inside the box under the note was a pink rose.

I picked up the box and frowned. "Huh?" I thought."I thought everyone was here?"

I looked around the front yard, but no one was out here and everyone was inside. I walked inside and put the box on the table next to my other presents.

After that the party ran smoothly family members wished me happy birthday and gave me presents. I saw a couple of my cousins who are famous too, but only in England. They gave me some pictures of themselves, they looked a little dorky since they are twins, but I'm not trying to be mean.

Then, it came time for the cake after the singing I blew out all my candles in one puff and whispered "I wish my life became more exciting." I'm tired of my scheduled life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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