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Garren's POV

Green, Green, Green yes that is my favorite colour of all. Green is the color of people when they see me scared they always try to hide it, but I can see it in their eyes. Green is the color of the room I was born in. Green is the color my eyes are. Green is the color of my newly dyed hair. So yes unlike other people I have many reasons for my favorite color.




God dammit do these Damn people think I'm am animal. I turned toward the phycologist who was the one clapping to get my attention, but didn't look up instead I smiled at the floor.

He cleared his throat and turned to me after reading my profile. It was so much fun to break them and watch their reaction process. "Mr. Bliss why did you make three other phycologist's cry?" He questioned. 'How stupid' I thought.

"There is no law about hurting someone's feeling now is there -" I read his name tag "Mr. Parker" I said cooly.

"So you felt no guilt?" He questioned looking curious attempting to hide the fear of me answering.

"If I said no then I would be lying..." I said with fake sympathy, chuckling. And laughed wickedly when his face turned hopeful. "I felt guilt for not have making them burn in hell right then, I had them switch places with me for a moment and they told me about all of their sins" I darkly chuckled.

"It was quite sad really-" I said darkly. "They have a very unprotected mind state and I thought you people actually trained for a job like this"

"Mr.Bliss did you do that to them really?" He said trying to be emotionless, but was probably confused.

"I love the color green Mr.Parker did you know that?" I asked.

"No I did not Mr.Bliss" He saif probably confused why I avoided his previous question.

"Do you know why Mr.Parker?" I asked. Not letting him respond I continued "It's because green is the color of grass. Green is the color that i have always seen. Green I'd the color of my favorite knife. Green is the color of the light in my room. Green is also the color of the color of someone's soul when they are trying to hide fear and green is the color I will never get tired of." My voice getting louder at the end of my speech.

No response from Mr. Parker.

"But, to answer your question yes I did do that to them" I said in a monotone voice.

Fear and confusion was written in his voice "H-h-how" he cleared his throat "How did you do that Mr.Bliss?" He asked.

I smiled ear to ear. Satisfied with his response, all of them had asked the same question with the same amount of fear even though I am chained to a chair across the table from where all of them used to be at one point.

"They all acted the same" I thought /laughed in my head.

"Mr. Parker all I had to do was simply ask them to tell me and look into their eyes" I said still wickedly chuckling.

No response, but I heard moving.

"Mr. Parker can I ask you a question" I said sickly sweet. While looking up. "Did you divorce your wife because you couldn't make enough money on your own to support your three children you had or was it because you were cheating on her the whole time and wanted to hide behind losing your job to make yourself feel better on the inside?" I asked.

His face said it all. He was horrified. Running through his mind was 'Why is this child so demented' covering up 'How did he know that by looking into my eyes'

"Mr. Parker we have met before. I am the person with no face in your nightmares. I am the person who always ends up killing  you in your dreams that has a blurred face or one you can not remember anymore. I am the person who when you feel as though you are being followed, I am there. I am the person in horror movies, they may have put bits and pieces of my personality into the killers or psychos, but they are nothing compared to me, they used it as cover up. The killers and phycologist in movies have reasons for their actions I don't, I have fun doing what I do. I am the the last block to make your tower fall. I am the reason why there is a saying 'The lie is sweeter than the truth'. I am the one who cause people to go crazy." I smiled.

Mr.parker by now was screaming that this wasn't real or he was just trying to 'help' me. How silly!

I hadn't moved from my position and was still sitting there when he ran out screaming.

The walls opened two square holes on both sides if me and shot out two  sleeping darts. I caught one and dodged the other. I put the one I grabbed in my poket. While I stabbed the one I dodged in my arm. I smiled as a lay on the floor limp and quiet to the world. Fifteen buff men dressed in white carried me to my room, which was made of glass except the bed, sink and toilet. After they all piled out of my room I stood up.

In the room on my left was where my friend faixe resided, she had a brain set close to mine except she also had schizophrenia. She had long blonde hair and one green eye the other brown. I knocked on my wall and she looked up from her bed and walked to her wall. She blew hot air and wrote 'This place is getting boring. I'm gonna go back home' and made a pouty face.

I blew on my wall and wrote 'Faixe you know we don't have a home right?'

She just shrugged and turned towards the guards.

She twitched. A guard came by her wall just looking through (Because she had clear walls, floors and ceilings too) as she fell limp on the ground. 'Don't be stupid Faixe' I thought. But then she looked at me and her eyes darkened. She was on her crazy side. At times like these she was more demented than me.

The guard unlocked the door and walked in shutting it behind him, first mistake. He walked over to faixe still on the floor and asked if she was alright, second mistake. When she didn't respond he lifted her up to lay her in bed and this was his third mistake, he's out.

She opened her eyes and stared him with a deadly look since she enjoyed being feared. He looked scared shitless. She doesn't really have a good record at this place.

She jumped out of his frozen arms and kicked him in the balls as he slow-motion fell downward to protect his balls she slammed the top of her knee into the bottom of his chin, then right hooked him. His whole body hit on her wall and his chin was bleeding.

Her eyes lightened back to normal after she saw this and grabbed the keys from his poket and skipped out unlocking her door.

But, then everything started to disappear first it was Faixe then my room then everything disappeared. I was floating in nothingness. The first time I came here I was scared of being here with everything disappearing ,but all I was doing was switching. And, switching was enjoyable for me.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter ,but don't worry I'm just getting started!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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