Chapter 1

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Vicky didn’t know why her mother decided it would be a good idea to go for a holiday at a beach house in Miami.  She understood that they were meant to have a great summer.
But why here instead of back in Maine?
“Isn’t this beautiful?” Vicky’s mom, Alexios, asked with a giggle and Vicky smiled half-heartedly.
“Mmhmm. Yeah. Pretty.” Vicky agreed and shifted her itching wig. “I can’t wait to get to the beach house.” She groaned in frustration and took the wig off, revealing her purple hair. Alexios smiled sadly and pat Vicky’s thigh.
“You know that you don’t have to hide yourself, right?” She asked. “So what you have purple hair and you behave badly? It’s not like you disrespect those who respect you.”
“I’m trying not to embarrass you, mom. We all know you didn’t start out as a huge business mogul. People will think that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and think you’re a bad mom.” Vicky said with a sigh.
“It doesn’t, sweetheart.” Vicky laughed and shook her head.
“Okay. That’s true.”
Vicky stared up at the large beach house before looking at the equally large garage filled with at least ten or more cars.
“You didn’t mention the fact that we’ll be staying with friends.” Vicky said with a raised brow, fixing the brunette wig she put on.
“Well, it’s a small piece of information that I’ve forgotten to mention.” Alexios said sheepishly and Vicky snorted. “And the fact that your brother might or might not be coming.” Vicky raised a brow.
“You really are my mom.” She drawled and Alexios laughed, throwing an arm around her slightly shorter daughter. “Come on. Let’s get inside.”
Alexios pulled Vicky in the house with excitement and Vicky laughed. She loved the fact that her mother was more of a teenager than a middle-aged woman. 
Alexios opened the door and squealed when she saw a middle-aged blonde woman trying to drag a large pink suitcase up the stairs. “Deborah!” the woman, Deborah, gasped and let go of the suitcase before bounding over to Alexios and giving her a bear hug.
“It’s been so long! When was the last time I saw you!?” Deborah asked with a huge smile, cupping my mom’s face in her hands.
“A week ago?” Alexios said, although it sounded more like a question.   Vicky snorted and Deborah looked over to her. Deborah got this smile on her face.
“Is this the famous Victoria I’ve heard about?” Deborah asked and Vicky nodded, hugging herself.
“Umm... Yeah. I prefer to be called Vicky. I’m guessing you’re one of my mom’s best friends?” Vicky asked a little awkwardly, putting up the nerd act.
“Yes! I’m Deborah.” Deborah said and hugged Vicky as well. Vicky squeaked at how tight the squeeze was and let out a breath when Deborah let her go. “It’s nice to meet you darling!”
“It’s nice to meet you too.” Vicky said with a shy smile. “Umm... Where are the rooms?”
“You’ll be sharing a room with Cheryl’s daughter. Jacqueline. Nice girl, she is. A little frightening and crazy, but nice.” Deborah mused. “Just go to the third floor. The room with the red and black door. I apologize if that’s not the kind of room you’d want, but the others decided to be unfair and pick all the pretty rooms first before you arrived.”
It’s perfect.
“It’s quite alright. I don’t mind. I’m used to either picking or being picked last.” Vicky said with an awkward laugh and Deborah laughed good-naturedly.
“You have a good sense of humor. Now go ahead. Get up there.” Deborah said and Vicky nodded obediently before making her way up the stairs. Once she got to the third floor, she heard giggling and voices come from the open black door with red cat scratches, clashing with the calm blue and white of the walls. She loved it.
Vicky slowly made her way to the door, and peeked in, seeing a golden brown-skinned girl with a red head, and the two of them were playing COD from the TV in the room. It was a nice room. Not bad at all.
Vicky creeped in and the golden skinned girl noticed her. Vicky was momentarily startled when she saw her blue eyes. Then she remembered – yeah, I’m part-black and I’ve got green eyes. So I can’t judge – and she sighed.
The girl smiled and paused the game, causing the red head to groan in frustration.
“Hey! You must be my roommate.” Golden Barbie said and made her way over to Vicky. She held out her hand for her. “Jacqueline. What’s your name?” Vicky shook her hand and smiled shyly.
“Victoria. Call my Vicky. Nice to meet you.” Vicky said with a slight nod and looked over to the red head, who was smiling goofily.
“That’s Monica. Call her Mo. She’s staying three doors down.” Jacqueline said, motioning to the red head. Mo waved and stood up, making her way to Vicky.
Mo hugged her and Vicky squeaked in surprise. Mo pulled away and giggled.
“You’re pretty!” Mo said and Vicky chuckled awkwardly.
“Umm... Thanks?” Vicky said and watched as Jacqueline peeked out the window, looking out to the backyard.
“Hey guys! I found us another good girl! Wanna meet her!?” Jacqueline yelled out the window and a few shouts and yells came after. Vicky raised a brow.
Yeah. Good girl. Right. She had a reputation she was trying to make and uphold.
“Come on, V. Let’s introduce you to the others.” Jacqueline said and took Vicky’s hand, practically dragging her downstairs.
Meeting everyone was a nice experience. There were nine others in total; seven boys and two girls.
One of the girls was Charmante, who had curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She was – like Mo – even tinier than Vicky was – which was amazing – and was crazy smart.
The other was Kimberly, who was dirty blonde. Her eyes were a mix of blue and green and she was one of those ‘Whatever’ girls. However, she did look badass.
There was Michael, a jock-like blonde boy with bright green eyes and a cocky smirk. He irritated Jacqueline to the max by constantly flirting with her.
Then there was Justin. A dark skinned dude who has some serious arrogance issues. His eyes were green, his skin light brown; bronze to be specific. He was pretty and he knew it.
Then we have Jake, who was by far the sweetest boy ever. His hair was blonde and curly and his eyes were blue. He was shy and nice, but also very sarcastic.
Connor was by far the most amusing person Vicky has ever met. His hair was naturally brown, but he dyed it green, just to match his eyes. He was the clown of the group and loved animals. In addition, from what Vicky has noticed, he already had a small crush on Mo.
There was Kingston. He was the smart one. He had brown hair and brown eyes. The dude was adorable and immature, yet when it came to the right time, he got all philosophical and stuff.
Tyler was another. He had brown-blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He was also the jock type, but seemed more like a second in command. He was nice and sweet and Vicky immediately felt the queer vibe coming from him. It did not show, but the pansexual girl could feel it.
Finally, there was Nicholas. He had black hair and blue eyes and had a bad boy vibe coming from him. He was a nice boy, but he was also a huge flirt.
It was nighttime and from what Vicky knew, the adults were inside, probably talking and preparing food.
The teens were outside, gathered around a campfire. Vicky was having a conversation with Jacqueline about the awesomeness of Twenty Øne Piløts and they were naming their favorite songs in ascending order.
“Hey! He’s back!” Jacqueline said, interrupting her own sentence about the emotion behind Kitchen Sink. Vicky looked towards the direction she was pointing in and raised a brow when everyone cheered at the blonde boy who arrived at the campfire.
He was tall and blonde and his eyes were blue, from what Vicky could see from only the flames. He had a perfect smile and for some reason he was shirtless.
The boy caught Vicky’s eyes and his smile faltered for a second before he grinned and made his way over to Jacqueline and Vicky.
“Hey, Jackie! Who’s your friend?” the blonde dude asked with a grin and he nodded at Vicky. Vicky brushed back some of the hair in her face. Jacqueline put an arm around Vicky and smiled up at the blonde.
“Lukey. This little good girl here is Vicky. Vick, this is Luke.” Jacqueline said and Luke held his hand out to Vicky.
“Nice to meet you, beautiful.” Vicky smiled at Luke and shook his hand.
“Nice to meet you too.” She said with a nod and let go of his hand. Luke sat down next to Vicky and put his elbows on his knees, leaning forward.
“What brings your pretty face here?” Luke asked and Vicky felt like scoffing. Sadly, she blushed instead.
“I’m staying here with the others.” Vicky said and pointed to the beach house.
“Ah. So you’re the mystery girl my mom said we should wait for?” Luke asked again with raised brows and Vicky shrugged before nodding.
“I guess so.” She muttered.
“Well then, I’ll be glad to say-,”
“You’re leaving?” Jacqueline finished for Luke with a sarcastic smile and Luke gave Jacqueline an irritated look. He sighed and winked at Vicky.
“See you later.” He said and stood up, making his way to the other guys. Vicky smiled and looked at Jacqueline, who looked slightly unimpressed.
“What?” Vicky asked with a frown, feeling as if Jacqueline was criticizing her in her mind.
“Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” Jacqueline said before grinning. “Fair warning. Every single boy here is disgusting and is an idiot. They flirt with you, you do not flirt back. Unless you both have non-platonic feelings for each other and everyone – including moi – want you to get together.”
“No Luke.” Jacqueline said, cutting her off.
“I wasn’t planning on it at all.” Vicky said, shaking her head. “I’m not like that.”
“Good.” Jacqueline said with a nod and they went back to talking about Twenty Øne Piløts.
That night, Luke was looking at Vicky the entire time at the campfire.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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