0.1 Wake Me Up When September Ends

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Ashlia's pov-

I woke up to see my laptop still playing YouTube. Don't know how I ended up watching some idiot screaming about butter on minecraft I was watching Casper Lee last time I checked. Oh well. I turned off the sycophant who probably needs help.

I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Ashlia, 16 years old, I have black hair with purple tips but the purple is slowly fading away. I have brown eyes and 2 brothers. One older and one younger. I am the middle child and the only girl so it's even better.

I got up from my bed and went into my closet and picked out a black crop top and some shirts and a rose sweater. I slipped on some flats and went downstairs to see my older brother yelling at how he won and how my younger brother should suck his dick. My mom yelled "LANGUAGE CHILDREN!" My dad quickly grabbed a bagel and yelled "BYE GUYS!" We all yelled "LOVE YOU!" I saw my phone and yelled "SHIT IM LATE!"

"LANGUAGE ASHLIA MARIA GOMEZ!" "ENGLISH MOM LOVE YOU!" I grabbed a banana and my backpack and ran outside. I was running as fast as I can. I stopped and caught my breath so I can eat my banana on my way to school. I finished my banana and threw the peel on the street. A man in black skinny jeans and a black hoodie said "That's littering."

"Does it look like a I give a flying fuck man!" I started to walk faster and I felt him right on top of me. I turned around about to say "go away." But he put a cloth on my mouth. I breathed it in and felt my eyes falling asleep. "Don't fight it litter." I recognized that voice....ITS THE FUCKING BUTTER DUDE FROM THIS MORNING!

I woke up in a dark room the only light was the one above me that crackled and buzzed. I tried to move my hands but realized I was tied to the chair. I wanted to say something but failed because tape was on my mouth. Whoever did this is gonna get pay back because I will not stand for this shit. I heard footsteps come downstairs and voices who you can tell they were trying to be quite but failing.

"Dude did you get her?" "Yes I did." "I say we make her a maid and a sex salve." "Will you guys stop let's just see what she is like!" They all came down and I mumbled "Fuck my life there is 7." Someone ripped the tape off my mouth and I screamed. They slapped me and said "Will you shut up!"

"Let me think.....NEVER!" He slapped me again and I said "This is abuse!" "Okay stop slapping her." I stuck my tongue out. "What's your name?" "You give yours first then I'll share mine."

"I'm Adam, that's Mitch, Jerome, Ty, Ian, Quentin, and Jason is the one that slapped you." "Okay I'm Stacy." Mitch looked up from my backpack and said "Why does it say Ashlia?" "Who gave you permission to look threw my stuff?!"

"Well since we're gonna be your owners we should have a right to Ashlia who passes notes to Dylan in class." "Stop looking threw that stuff." I tried to get up but the chair feel forward and I feel on my face. I felt Jerome laughing "CAN IT BIG NOSE!"

"THATS IT ADAM CAN I FUCK HER!" Adam picked my chair up and yelled "NO! NO ONE IS GONNA FUCK HER...yet." "Who said I'm giving anyone a blowjob now or sex." "Dylan from math class probably wants one." "DID ANYONE ASK FOR YOUR OPINION JACKASS NO!" Jason slapped me again and Mitch said "I get her first shift." "Fine have fun Mitch." They all left and Mitch said "Let's have baby." He cut the ropes and I wanted to run away and scream free willy. But instead Mitch took me bridle style and carried me upstairs so I couldn't run.

He threw me on his bed and said "Let's have some fun baby." I started to get nervous and I said "Wake me up when September ends."

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