The Siege of Freewall -- Chapter 1

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The crackle of magical energy vibrated throughout the High Wizard's tower, muting the din of men and the Dark Horde at war outside.

The siege of Freewall was more than a year old.  Freewall had stood for thousands of years as an impenetrable Fortress guarding the only known mountain pass to the North.  The wall itself was massive both in width and diameter stretching across the entire pass.  Built into the middle of the wall was a towering keep which also guarded the only entrance through the wall ... a gate of sorts which was really just more of the Great Wall but a section that could be pivoted open using a series of pulleys.  Nestled behind Freewall a small town had sprung up over the many millenia although it was now mostly deserted.  Politics in the south prevented any further reinforcements from rushing to aide the Soldiers of Freewall and so those citizens who had not fled south were now manning the Freewall's walls, towers and keep.  The Fortress had held over thirty thousand soliders at the beginning of the siege, however, constant assaults had caused this number to dwindle to less than half.

The Dark Horde on the other hand numbered well over a hundred thousand strong, with fresh reinforcements from The Peaks of Fear in the north arriving every day to replace the horrendous number of casualties each new assault inflicted upon their forces.  Consisting of goblins, trolls, dark elves, and other unnamed horrors, and driven by the Hand of the Dread Master, the Horde continued to dash itself upon the walls of the fortress whose walls blocked the only pass to the south.

It was obvious that Freewall would fall.  Eventually the horde would secure a breach in the walls, and all would be lost.  Once Freewall fell nothing would stand between the Dark Horde and the cities of the south whose armies were scattered into dozens of political camps.  Once into the Southlands the Dark Horde would rape, pillage, murder and plunder it's way through the Empire of Man until nothing remained but ashes.   It was for this reason alone the soldiers fought on.  

From a tower high above Freewall, The High Wizard turned from a window overlooking the battle taking place below and sighed sadly.  It was unbelievable to think that The Empire's military leadership had degenerated to the point that the threat of the Dread Master's Dark Horde seemed less important than the next succession hearing taking place in the Imperial City ...  and yet the lack of reinforcements from the south was clear proof.  The Emperor's death could not have come at a worse time as the lack of an heir had the Empire on the brink of civil war with different claiments stepping forward to take the Crown of Power.   The Empire's armies had shattered into scattered armed camps rallying around various claiments and this had left The Empire woefully unprepared when the Dark Horde struck Freewall.

"Master Kaeler, what bothers you?"

Kaelar smiled down at his young apprentice Bamelin.  "Nothing is wrong lad.  I'm just a little tired from the last assault".

The last was an understatement.  The Dark Horde had succeeded in creating a breach in the wall.  The war magic of the High Wizard had managed to throw the Dark Horde back, allowing the breach to be sealed, however the massive magical energy spent had left Kaelar weak and frail.

      Bamelin shuddered at the thought of what could have happened to Kaelar.  Wizards were taught from the very beginning of their studies the uptmost importance of setting limits as to how much Magical Energy one drew into his or her staff ... the price of expended too much magical energy was well known being at best instant death in a massive explosion, or at worst one's soul could be lost in the astral planes grabbed by demonic forces of the Dread Master or worse.

Kaelar shook Bamelin out of his reverie, taking the boy's shoulders in his hands ..."You have come far in your studies Bamelin.  I believe you may soon be ready to recieve a Staff of War."

Bamelin's eye's shon with excitement.  "I will do what I can to serve the Empire in it's time of need.  Shall I prepare for the Ceremony of Power Master Kaelar"

In wardly Kaelar grimaced.  In better times the idea of raising an inexperienced boy like Bamelin to that of a war mage would have been ridiculous.  But these were not better times.

"I said SOON Bamelin.  But you are not ready yet.  There is still much I need to teach you in the arts, but I promise you I will soon begin to fashion you a Staff of your own.  Perhaps in a few months you will be ready"

Actually the boy's staff was already ready and it was only at Kaelar's insistance that Bamelin had not been raised already.  The boy needed more time to learn control ... the War Council of Freewall had finally acquiesced to Kaelar's demand for another month of training ... the boy would do them no good dead from magical blowout.

"MONTHS?!" Bamelin blurted "I'm ready NOW master!  Please Kaelar my people need me!"

Kaelar raised an eyebrow at the boy's outburst.  "Kaelar is it now?"

Immediately the boy's eyes turned downward.  "I'm sorry ... master".

"Bamelin if you do not learn proper discipline I shall never be able to raise you.  Discipline is the key to every Wizard's Inner Powers ... with it you can touch the universe, but without it the universe will consume you.  I'm fairly certain you don't want to become a mushroom cloud or have have your soul stolen by the Dread One?"

"No Master" mumbled Bamelin dejectedly.  "I don't."

"Good then.  In the interests of learning proper discipline you will clean this Tower from top to bottom and then report for dish duty in the commons room".

Kaelar didn't think it possible but it was.  Bamelin managed to look even more dejected than a moment ago.  "Yes Master"

Kaelar voice softened.  "You will one day be a wizard Bamelin.  Of that I guarantee you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2011 ⏰

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