Giant Ice cream Sandwich!

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(This idea rightfully belongs to Karina Garcia on YouTube.)

Have a boring summer party?

Having a big sleepover?

Have this GIANT ice cream sandwich to hold it all together!

What you'll need;

What you need depends entirely on how big your pan is.

'Brownie mix

'Two pans, or one (Any size you want

'Three flavors of ice cream

'Parchment/Wax paper

'Non-stick cooking spray


1. Place the parchment or wax paper in the bottom of your baking pan. 

2. Make sure you have enough brownie mix for one pan, making sure it's thick. You can use one pan and do it one batch after another, or use two and do them at the same time. They HAVE to be the same size. (no DUH Admin.)

3. After they bake and cool down, do not cut them. To make them look like actual ice cream bars, you can poke holes in them if you want

 To make them look like actual ice cream bars, you can poke holes in them if you want

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4. In the same pan you used to bake the brownies in, (you only need one), Get your three different ice cream flavors. Fill in the three flavors evenly in thirds inside the pan. Put it in the freezer.

5. After the ice cream is frozen, place it upside down on one of the brownies. Rub a warm, wet rag over the base of the pan, loosening the ice cream.

6. Take the pan off when you think the ice cream is loose enough. Put the other brownie on top of the ice cream. Place your giant sandwich on something, and stick it in the freezer for an hour or two.

Shave the edges a bit to make it even, and tada! Your very own giant ice cream sandwich!~ 

Video Tutorial:

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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