Just A One Night Stand(BVB FanFic)

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  • Dedicated to Kristen Robbins

"we are so dead V!" I yelled to Vexi as she drove into the massive parking lot of the concert building. "calm down it's to late to turn back now we are already here, and besides you know your glad we came" she grinned as she parked the car. Three days ago me and Vexi heard that pierce the veil and sleeping with sirens and a few other bands we going to Minnesota for warp tour. We both got the idea at the same time and after a little planing and 7 hours of driving then there we were in the parking lot a day early. We took Vexi's car because it was better with gas we left our apartment and headed to Minnesota, I payed for our trip, because I had money  to blow I was saving so I could get into an expensive collage instead of the community collage Vexi went to she was in working on her freshman year of collage Vexi had been my best friend since we were little even though I'm a year older than her we always were together, she was a wild kid, but I usually stuck to the rules, but after a while Vexi rubbed off on me a little, we had gotten in trouble a few times over the last few years but nothing major, we went to a few parties nothin drastic like ditching work and class or running off without anyone knowing but hey it was just for one trip it wasn't like anything would change. "hey Liza? Are you gonna get out of the car?" Vexi yelled "coming!" I climbed out of the crappy red woks-wagon and followed after Vexi. "were are we going? There isn't any way we can get in there.." "you really don't have any faith in me do you? Trust me I know what to do." "and whaTs that?" I asked as I followed Vexi around the building "we are going to sneak into their trailer while they are at practice and then when they come back we will have them!" her voice got higher the more excited she got "I dont think this is going to work but I guess it doesn't matter, what's the worse that can happen? O wait! We go to jail...." "you are starting to sound like my mother! Common loosen up we are about to met Vic and Jamie and maybe even Kellin! Arn't you at least a little excited?!?" she smiled and twirled in a circle "of course I'm excited! I have been waiting for this for forever I just don't want to spend most amazing night of my life in jail." she just sighed and kept walking. It was already dark outside and we couldn't seem to find our way around the building there were moving trucks and cars everywhere even though there were few fans there it was packed. "do you have any idea where we are going?" I questioned "of course I do! The bands have their R.V.s parked in the back behind the fence." after about 10 minutes of wondering around we finally found the R.V.s there were at least 20 of them placed randomly near the back entrance of the building. "we have to be quiet I'm sure there are security guards around the fence" Vexi whispered, she pointed to a fence about 20 feet in front of us it surrounded the  R.V. Parking lot. We crept to the fence that was nearest to the building, "you first" she whispered "I'll follow" I didn't take time to argue I placed my foot into the gaps in the fence and slowly climbed up, once I reached the top I climbed down the other side and plopped on the ground. "common, hurry" I rushed as Vexi struggled to climb the fence "shut up I'm trying!" all of a sudden she fell from the fence and let out a yelp when she hit the ground. "Hey who's there" yelled a security guard as he made his way down the fence. I ran quickly over to Vexi and helped her stand, "we have to hide! There we will go into that R.V. The lights are off maybe it's empty!" I ran as fast as I could, as I dragged Vexi behind me, hopping to go unnoticed by the guard I opened the door to the R.V. And pulled Vexi in behind me just in time. I slammed the door shut. From outside the guard shined his flashlight around near the fence, "thank god were safe!" Vexi smiled and stood from her spot on the floor. "wow what a big R.V. Everything in here looks so nice."she said still out of breath, she was right it was nice! There was a big flat screen tv, 3 couches and a big frig in the front. There was a small dining room and kitchen. A door closed off what I guessed was a bathroom at the other end of the R.V. Was another door that held the bed rooms. Vexi flopped down on one of the couches and put her feet up on the table. "wonder who's R.V. This is? Guess it doesn't matter it's not like we can get out without getting caught anyway.." I walked over to Vexi and sat down "I guess we will just have to wait and see, who every it is will defiantly be surprised." I got comfortable on the couch and accidentally drifted of to sleep.

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