The City

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It's a cold night and the city is almost at sleep, the cars has lessen and the lights at the buildings are at dim.

I closed my eyes as I felt the wind brushed itself at my skin, it was cold but relaxing. I stared at the moon as I recap the events these past few days, Aunt Luciana has left the city with Bran, her fifteen years old son. I didn't want to go home yet, knowing that Aunt Luciana won't be waiting for me tonight makes me wanna stay here longer.

I am sitting at the edge of the building's roof top, watching everything in the city as it slowly sleeps.

"You shouldn't be here alone, one push and you're dead."

I turned to look at Ivan only to see him ready to go home. I arced one eye brow and shrugged. "You won't push me, Ivan."

A smile formed into his lips as he reached for me "Come on, let's take you home."

I shook my head as a response, I don't want to leave yet. I needed this from all the stress I had from work.

"Come on, Beca. Don't be stubborn, let's get you home."

Ivan is my boyfriend. He's been my boyfriend for two years and he's always been like this to me, every time I had the feeling of climbing somewhere high he'd always say no.

I stud from sitting and reached for his hands, he pulled me closer to him and smiled. "Or maybe I'll take you at my house tonight.." he formed a cheeky smile and I giggled.

"I'd love that, but I'm still on my period Ivan, we can't" I giggled once more and I felt his lips on mine. It was a cold night, but it felt so warm in his arms.

"I misses you, ever since yesterday we hadn't had time for each other. This job is killing me, Becca."

Ivan is a journalist, and I'm a photographer. We work at the same company, but recently Aunt Luciana told me about moving to Hillfrey where Uncle Jon lives. She said I can work there with Uncle Jon, I can manage his store for the mean time and when he returns we can discuss about the other job he was talking about.

"We should rest Ivan, I'll stay at your house tonight."
Ivan smiled and hugged me tight.

"Do you really have to go?" He asked.

"Of course, Ivan. Aunt Luciana has always been kind to me ever since and this is her only request. I have to say yes, you know that. Hillfrey isn't that far, just one ride on a train and we can visit each other."
I pushed him a little so I could look at his face. "You don't have to be sad."
I said.

He took a deep breathe before saying "Alright, I'll take you to the train station tomorrow. Let's go."
He held my hand as we went down.

I was seven years old when Aunt Luciana found me, almost lifeless, at her font door and took me to the hospital. Since then she tried her best to find my parents but she never did. I couldn't talk or remember anything that time and I was so clueless of what was happening. It all came to me after months of treatment and she said she'd give me to an orphanage but she couldn't just leave me so she, and her  husband, adopted me. She was married that time and sadly Uncle Ben died two years after they had me.

They fed me, clothed me and loved me like their own.

Then I met Ivan, he was 16 that time and I was 12. He was like a big brother to me, but as time goes by he became more of what I expected him to be. He'd always be there when I needed him, Aunt Luciana saw how our love for each other grew and she was never against it. She was very supportive.

When we got to Ivan's house he immediately picked the papers on the floor and threw them away, I smiled as he was doing that. He never gets his house clean, except when I'm coming over.

"Sorry, I was actually doing work last night and-well-you know."
I chuckled as he stumbled his way to me, so cute.

We went to his room and he threw some clothes at the bed. "You could wear those, or these." As he lifted a pair of clothes on his right hand.

"Thank you." I took the clothes he was holding and went to the bathroom room and took a shower.

As I walk out of the bathroom I was brushing my bloodily red hair, I scanned the room and I saw Ivan lying on the bed, he was already asleep.

He was only wearing his boxers on and it had spongebob on it. I smiled. He was so cute.

I lied beside him and tugged the sheet on him, I brushed his hair with my fingers and kissed his forehead.
"Good night, Ivan."

THE morning came quickly and here we are at the train station. It is 7:56A.M. and the train leaves at 8:00A.M. so basically me and Ivan are running.

"Hurry up! The train is not going to wait for me, Ivan"

We were holding hands while running towards the open door of the train. When we got on front of it I quickly kisses Ivan goodbye and hopped in.

"Be careful there, Becca" Ivan said before the train closed the door. I mouthed "I love you" and he said "I love you" as well.

I saw him staring at the train as it was separating me and Ivan from each other.

I turned away from the door and searched for my seat, and when I finally found it I sat as I catch my breath.

This is it.

I'm leaving a city that I had grew up on, and I think this is going to be the beginning of everything..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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