Adam Levine Imagine

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You walk down the quiet dirt road, not being able to sleep again tonight. You wrap your maroon cargigan around your body a little tighter, feeling the slight breeze picking up. You feel a little uneasy, like someone is watching you, but you shake it off.

When you reach your destination, you smile, taking a seat in front of the cool blue water. The water is always calm when you go out a 4 a.m. The whole world reflects back at you as if it doesn't care; unlike the average woman who stares at her reflection and always finds something to pick apart. The air seems coolest when you come out here, and its always so peaceful. Leaving you alone with your thoughts.

You wrap your arms around your knees, staring up at the stars. Adam fills your mind, and a warm tear slides down your cheek. He's been away for two months now, and you almost just want to end the relationship. Its his job, and you understand, but you can't help being a little selfish. Right before he left, he proposed, and it was honestly the happiest night of your life. You were so excited to spend the rest of your life with the man you love, but now you're almost re-thinking your decision. When you're with him, you feel infinite; like nothing in the world can bring you down, thriving on the love you two have for eachother. But when he's gone for months at a time, calling every other day, it gets lonely..

You let out a low sigh, wishing he could just be here, holding you in his arms, reassuring you everything was going to be okay.

You flinch, hearing leaves crunch behind you. Your first thought is someone is watching you, the same feeling you had on your way here. You quickly stand up, looking around frantically. You don't see anything, but you don't sit down quite yet. You wipe the remaning tears from your eyes, and look over the slow moving water.

You're almost back in deep thought, when you hear the crunching leaves once again, this time closer. You shiver, now getting worried. "(y/n)" you faintly hear, terrified now. "Who's there?" You call, realizing your voice is shaky. The crunching leaves come closer and closer, when the person doesn't respond, you slowly start walking away; wanting to just get back home.

The sound of footsteps seem to follow close behind, so you pick up the pace, making it a slow jog. The person is obviously not giving up, them speeding up as well. You break into a full run as tears roll down your face. You don't know who's chasing you, or why, but you're desperate to get away.

"(y/n) wait!" You hear close behind, and oddly enough, you stop; realizing this voice sounds slightly familiar.

You slowly turn around, seeing the silhouette of a man striding toward you. As the figure gets closer, you become more nervous, but something in your heart is telling you not to move. You hesitantly watch him, the closer he gets.

When he's inches from you, you can't believe your eyes.

As the moonlight shines down on him, making those hazel eyes twinkle, you realize who it is.

"A- Adam?" you whisper, "I thought you weren't coming back for another three weeks?"

The hot tears come yet again. This time, out of happiness.

"I lied, I wanted to suprise you." He smoothly says, as he caresses your cheek with his warm hand. You place your hand on top of his, moving closer to the person you've missed so much.

Adam laces his arms around your waist, pulling you into his warm embrace. You squeeze him tight, taking in his familiar scent. He kisses your head softly, "I missed you so much, (y/n)."

You kiss his neck, "I missed you too, Adam. More than you'll ever know."

He pulls away, just enough to look into your eyes. You lean in, deeply kissing the lips you've been longing for.

Just in this moment, with Adam's lips on yours, all worries gone, you can't believe you were even thinking about leaving. Its moments like these you cherish the most, something as simple as this kiss; makes everything seem absolutley perfect.

"I love you, Adam." you say as you pull apart. "I love you too, babe." He smiles, kissing you once more.

He chuckles, "Shall we go?" You smirk, "Yeah, we have some business that needs to be taken care of. You better give me one helluva night, Levine."

Your finace' grabs your hand, lacing his fingers with yours.

"I'm gonna do a whole lot more than that, babe." ♥

Adam Levine ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now