Oct. 16/13
A soft voice in my ear is calling me beckoning me to wake. The room I laid down in moments ago still seems the same but with a darker veil of view. I know were the voice stands so close I could reach out and touch. I dear not acknowledge its presence I stare straight ahead. Aware it's just a dream and the shadow man is not there. He calls me once more pleading me to look and be not blind. But how could this be it's just a dream I know for sure cause I can see right through it. His demeanor becomes strong to a point where he steps closer. Set in my thoughts of staying calm & logic I take no notice. Till he's there in front of me like a rush of air, or like the loss of air that is ripped from your chest from a hard fall to a cement ground. A chill seeps into the air around me like a ghost he rushes through me. My body can't ignore this, violent trimmers takes over my limbs. I'm left cold and alone as if I'm nude with no shoes in a park covered in snow. The snowflakes don't melt when they reach my skin but cascade like ribbons' to the ground. Open and alone vulnerable to view as I stand so cold with no wear to go. It's just a dream better known as one of my night terrors.