Where I stand

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Jack POV

It was 2 a.m. and I could not stop thinking about Mark. His sexy voice, his muscular physique, and his chocolate brown eyes.

I had a crush on him but I didn't know if he had a crush on me. I was so tempted to call him even though he was probably asleep. "F*ck it!" I called him, and to my surprise he answered!

"What's up Jack?" Omg his husky voice is so sexy! "Nothing, did I wake you up?" god why was I so nervous! "Yeah, it's fine though. What's on your mind?" Should I really ask him? "I was wondering if you wanted to come to Ireland this weekend?"

Marks POV

Did he just ask me to come to Ireland? I have had a huge crush on him ever since we hung out for the first time. "Yeah I would love to!" "Great! When do you want to come?" Oh god when do I want to come? "How about tomorrow?" "Sounds great! See you then!"

*The next day*

Jack's POV

When is he gonna get here. I've been at the airport for an hour, he should've landed by now. And then I see him. His red hair shines in the light. "MARK OVER HERE!" Everyone looked at me like I had just shot someone, but I didn't care. "Jack there you are, I've been looking for you for a half hour." Really that long! "Well the good thing is you found me!" "Yep, anyway should we go?" Oh god I had almost forgotten about that! "So do you have a hotel room?" I have a bad feeling about where at he's going to say. "No I was wondering if I could stay with you?" Oh shit I was afraid he was gonna say that. "Yeah that's fine, i have a guest room you can stay in." "Cool!"

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