The loss.

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Hi. I'm Jade I'm the book you see I have a story to tell if your brave enough to read on go ahead.
One day I woke up and felt nothing literally nothing I had no emotion I didn't know what to do so a week passes nothing. I push every one away I don't know what to do. Three more years still nothing.
I asked my friend to help me find a boyfriend.
(I needed a distraction.)
She said sure at first nothing the next day I felt happy a few weeks and I feel love him am I crazy?!?!
I-I don't know I need help...And then it happened again nothing right now he's at summer camp so he's not talking to me.......I'm scared will I still love him when he comes back??? I guess I'll have to wait and see.... be continued.....

to be continued

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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Death Of My Emotions.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora