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"Now that that's done" standing over her father's cold dead body with blood in her hands and a dagger pierced through his heart. The soon to be stepmother coming home from the market to make a family dinner walks into the Great Hall sees her supposed husband lying there lifeless, she looks up at Snow White who looked quite pleased with her work had walked right past her and said "Ahh that was fun, Now dwarfs take her away!!" she yells. Tiny dwarfs swarm around her and use pick axes at her feet singing "Heigh Ho Heigh Ho it's off to work we go" looking helplessly around her she knew she had a small secret but gave them the opportunity to think that she was defeated. She was brought to the castle dungeon and sat there. In her solitary confinement she was conjuring up small apples next to her small door, knowing that dwarfs aren't that smart, she made them smell like a cinnamon sprinkled and Carmel Dipped. Thinking that it did the trick she waited. All the dwarfs came and snatched the apples and ate them all. She muttered under her breath "stupid dwarfs" and opened the door, seeming it wasn't hard because they didn't lock it. She ran out of the castle and made up the spell to look for Snow White. She had found her going to the little cottage where The Stepmother's Prince was and she ran to it. Soon after she ran a flock of crows had came with her to show that Snow White was over ruled, they found the cottage and waited for Snow White's move. The doors opened snow-white stepping outside blood all over her dress dragging out the Stepmothers prince and told her "To come and get it" The stepmother about to make her move when snow-white let out a small but very affective cry. Just then all the forest animals had appeared. Now it was an equal war between the two, Snow white making the first move by holding out a fist and all the animals charging, the stepmother stomping a single foot in the ground and the crows charging back. All species of forest creatures getting pecked and plucked. The crows getting mauled by the woodlen devils. Snow White standing looking toward the stepmother, grinning. The stepmother watching the fight looking back her prince, and watching the Evil She banshee called Snow white, the sweetest girl ever, thinking to herself sweet try Demonic child who killed her father, for fun and stole my prince. Now with both sides giving it they're all it starts to come to an end. With both maidens ready for their, last attack call their armies back. Snow white waiting impatiently for the stepmothers approach, had held her hands up and brought them down completely and the swarm of animals ran to the crows. The stepmother crossing her arms and bringing up on me hand snapped her fingers and down the crows went full force, completely knocking down Snow White's entire army. Snow white completely stunned and out if options pulled out a spear and throw it at the stepmother. The stepmothers clapping her hands together turned the spear into an apple and slowly started to move it towards her, Snow White in a trance had been drugged by the apple and wouldn't stop for nothing. The stepmother whistled and out came a huntsman. Who looks more than happy to get rid of her had shot the arrow plunging it in to She Banshees heart. The apple disappearing snow white falling to her death. The huntsman walked toward the stepmother and said "It's time that demented thing be killed." The stepmother touching his shoulder said "I know, still can't believe you wanted to kill me first though did you not see how crazy she was!?" The huntsman saying "I had no idea" the stepmother shaking her head and walking toward where Her Prince was but he had disappeared and was gone. The stepmother confused, angry and frustrated had stopped looking around. Snow White's voice lingered in the air, laughing, sneering "Haha you thought you won that easily? Well guess you'll have to try again, if only you knew where." The stepmother set off to find the place where ever that may be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2017 ⏰

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