Author's Note!

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Hi! I'm Brax and before I start this I have a few things to adress!
1. This story is based on an idea a friend gave me! It's based on the boys living outside of the series, like in real life with their real names. They have still created their series and characters and such but..all of a sudden all of those ideas start coming into their actual life. Slender starts showing up outside of their recordings of the slenderverse videos, the rake starts hanging around, and the personalities(such as HABIT, Patrick, and Xakk's slender side(idk)) will start to come around as if in the SV series. So its as if they were outside their series, and the things started coming to life. Idk if that made sense but whatever!
2. I will be using their real names outside of the slenderverse series, so if you don't know who's who I can tell you or I might leave a list at the end of this authors note.
3. If I get something wrong, hush. I tend to mix things up in series on accident or forget certain things OR do it my own way.
4. I will be having the SV group living in one huge house for this.
And with that, I think that is all for now. Now here's the names list.
-Marble Hairnets-
Jay Merrick- Troy
Evan Jennings- Evan
Vincent whatever- Vinnie
Jeff- Jeff
Alex- Alex(Al)
Noah Maxwell- Adam
Lee- Lee
Mo- Tom
Lexx- Lexx
Michael Andersen- Dylan
Shaun Andersen- Austin
Xakk- Xakk
Tyler- Tyler

If you guys have any more questions, go ahead and ask away.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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