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Harry always loved Clara. He has loved her since kindergarten. When Clara moved to California, he somehow convinced his parents to move.

When Clara got older, she started to have feelings for other boys. She sensed that Harry had a crush on her, but she was waiting for him to say something. He never did though; for he was always nervous that she would say no. He knew that would break his heart. But he also knew that if he didn't ask soon, he was going to get nervous and not do it. He had to decide. Would he risk her saying no or never ask? He didn't know.

Clara was walking with Peter, her fifth boyfriend of the month. "I love you, Clara," he said. Clara didn't know what to say. A lot of people loved Clara for her looks. She never knew if the love they said they had for her was real and true. "For me or for my beauty?" she said. "I need to know now, before this gets serious " Peter looked down at his shoes. "I'm sorry, Clara," he said. "Ugh! Why is it always like this?" She stormed off. "No! Wait, Clara! Please! I didn't mean that! Please!" "It's too late Peter. Goodbye."

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