My Country Mate

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[Hey this is my first country story but I AM from the country so I'm so happy I can do something from my origin]


"Ma where's dad" I yelled putting on my cowboy boots as I hopped down the stairs. I heard her clanging around in the kitchen.

"He rode Midnight into the back woods hunny but take blue and go get him dinner is almost ready" I nodded even though she couldn't see me.

"Alright ma ill be back" I didn't wait for her reply and ran around the back. The stables were always open because me and dad loved to ride.

"Blue" I nah sounded off and I knew my baby was awake. I opened her fence and saddled her up as fast as I could. Every time I rode that some 'Wake me up' by Avicii. A storm was coming soon and it wasn't safe out. I charged Blue through the trees as fast as i could. Finally I found my dad. He was trying to pull midnight from the mud at the bottom of the mountain.

"Need help dad" I yelled over the lightening.

"Baby girl go get your ma, don't come down here" I nodded and saddled blue again headed back for ma as fast as I could. When I made it back to the house I wasted no time running in.

"Baby do you have your father" I shook my head.

"Da needs you down the mountain, Midnight fell in the pits and the storms getting bad. We have to hurry" she nodded and pulled out Snow from the stables just as it began to rain. We rode as fast as we could hoping to get to my father in time.

We knew when it rains to the pits to much that mud turns into quick sand. I couldn't let me da die down there just as so many had before. Finally we made t to the mountain. My ma grabbed some rope from Snows side pouch. We could see my da was already slipping deep.

"Grab the rope" ma yelled as she tied it to a small tree and let the rest fall down in my father reach. The lightening and thunder crack so loud now we could even hear the wind the whipped around us. My cowgirl hat flew off my head but now wasn't the time to care. Da grabbed the rope and began pulling himself out of the quick sand.

I knew he was using all his strength because his face turned tomato red. I guess fate had another plan for us that day. You could say it hated us or you could say it was steering is where we needed to go but a lightening bolt zipped down striking that little tree. It collapsed... along with my father.

"Get out of here" he yelled as he fell into the quick sand... head first.

"DA" but he was gone.

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