(At park)
Zia: Hey, where's Jay?
Skyler: No idea.
Everybody: *jumps*
Zia: Skyler!
Jenna: What are you doing here?
Zia: *hears iPod beep* *Reads aloud*
Okay. WTF (what the fish) I didnt stab any dummy! I wasn't there! I was buying a cake! that wasn't me! Find out who that was! HS (Holy Snails)
my dagger was with me to! Unbeknownst (or however thays spelled) to the employees of the store
Skyler: Yeah, that was me.
Flora: Well everybody, meet Zia and Jay's cousin Skyler.
Skyler: Hello everybody!
Zia: Well, I guess you can ask her questions and dare her.
April: What if the guys get dares? I'm not going back to the lair.
Kenna: Excellant point.
Zia: I'll email them to the guys. If there is a combination dare that involves us being there, we will have to discuss that.
Victoria: This is so weird.
Zia: Yeah. Looks like we will be set up at my house. Ask us questions and dare us. Later!
TMNT: Question and Dares
Fanfiction(I'm very unoriginal) My TMNT thing. Just comment with questions or dares.