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Original name: Brianna Ramsay

Name now: Brittany Devil

Age: 16

Personality: Mean, rude, hates everyone, is pissed off easily.



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Yes she has a Golden Trident

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Yes she has a Golden Trident

Back story: After Brianna got into a fight with her parents, things got physical and she got sent to jail. The day she got out she was on the way to see her boyfriend, only to find out he was dead because he was murdered by a girl in his class. She went straight home, and never left her room. After a few days her parents became concerned about her, only to find out her heart was mysteriously turned to stone. When they left her room to tell her other family, her hair started turning black, and she was floating. Since she was adopted and never knew her parents, Satin claimed he was her father. Only he would revive her if she agreed to a plan of his. She agreed, and he gave her a new name. He made her Brittany Devils. When her parents came back, Brianna's body was missing. She had fled and lived in a warehouse, killing the people who are complete backstabbing bitches, mean, bullies, and what not. She will never put her hand on a single soul who is innocent.

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