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Liza's POV

"There he goes again." I looked over at Vampire who was now walking over to a blonde girl with big frames glasses who was rolling her eyes and leaning against a wall looking inside the ice cream store.

"That's the fifth girl in the past two hours." Psycho groaned rubbing his face in frustration.

Vampire has been flirting with girls ever since we got to the mall, since Nat already has her Harry.


"She's also the prettiest." Assassin smiled as he stared at the girl.

I turned to stare at him with a big grin on my face.

Time to get my ships sailing.

I turned back to see Vampire walking back to us with a disappointed look on his face.

"What happened?" I asked when he pouted and sat down next to me on the bench.

"She's a twin." he spoke sadly.

"And?" Assassin asked annoyed.

"What if she marries me and she invites her sister over for any event. I'll probably end up marrying the wrong twin and maybe even fuck the wrong twin." he said with an alarmed look.

Okay, yeah, true.

"Assassin go talk to her!" I smiled as he snapped his head in my direction with wide eyes.

"Me? No." he said with a nervous laugh.

"Okay, Psycho you've been drooling over her, why don't you make a move?" I said to catch Assassin's attention.

"Do. Not. Move." Assassin warned Psycho through gritted teeth who was already standing up.

"Fine, okay, I'll do it, but only because you asked me to." he said with a nervous look.

10 minutes later he comes back with an excited expression.

"So? How did it go? Do I get to get my ships sailing? How is she? God answer me Assassin!" I spoke quickly.

"Her name's Camila, and I invited her to have dinner with us tonight." he smiled.

"Where are we going?" I asked confused.

"Well I'm certainly not going to rush things, so we're going out to the restaurant downtown with all our friends." Assassin said.


*@ the restaurant*

"Where is she?" I asked in excitement looking around the restaurant, searching for the blonde girl.

"She's at the entrance with her sister." Assassin pointed to the entrance before walking over to them and bringing them over to our table.

It is official. I look like a potato.

"Guys meet Camila and Catalina." Assassin spoke as they waved smiling at us.

"Camila, Catalina, these are my friends, Demon, Liza, Psycho, and Vampire." he signaled to us as we all muttered some 'Hi's.

Let's ignore the fact that he just said there were people named, Demon, Psycho, and Vampire at our table and that the person organizing this whole thing is named Assassin.

Is cool.

The entire dinner consisted of Assassin and Camila staring at each other while he kept completing her while she blushed.

Catalina had been flirting with Vampire the entire dinner while he threw food at the people around us, who where peacefully eating in their tables.

Psycho was on his phone the whole time. At some point, we heard some groans and moans coming from his phone as he muttered a 'sorry' not even looking up from his phone with a bored expression.

I was eating the whole time. And I mean the whole time. No stopping and talking. Just eating.

Towards the end of dinner, everyone, including me, stopped what they were doing and got to know the sisters.

Catalina is the typical rich bitch. I personally wasn't too happy with her attitude towards us. She treated us like crap.

I coughed muttering a 'bitch' between coughs as they all turned to look at me and nodded their heads in agreement, even Camila, while Catalina just rolled her eyes.

Camila is currently taking college classes and is the complete opposite of Catalina. She's so nice and sweet and lord she's so adorable I can't.

I need a moment.

I ship Assassin and Camila too hard.

"Uh, Liza are you okay?"

"I think she's hyperventilating!"

"She's getting red!"

"Why is she crying?"

"I'm hungry now...Waitress!"

It just had to he Psycho.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." I said raising my hands up and taking a deep breath.

All this shipping has me so tired.


It is currently 3 a.m. and everyone else is asleep, meanwhile I'm still thinking for a ship name.




"I got it!" I screamed in excitement making everyone groan and look at me with angered sleepy eyes.

"Your ship name is Carry!" I looked at Assassin with an excited smile on my face as he gave me a look.

"Carry? Like as in, you Carry something?" he asked still half asleep.

"You're so ungrateful, I'll think of something else in the morning, now go to sleep, why are you up?" I asked annoyed as I burried my face into my pillow.


Got any ship names???

I hope you liked it !!! @chingyonce

You have been my inspiration for so long . I love you so much and I really hope you liked this. I have been working on this for a long time and I've tried to hard to make it good. Your stories are amazing and I hope I can accomplish what you have someday. I want this more than anything I reallllyyyyy do. I hope you like it Elanna x

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