Did you know that Joey Birlem's real name is Joseph Mathew Birlem . He was born May 22, 2002 . Joseph Birlem is 14 years old . He has an older
Sister . He has an Iphone 6s+. His favorite food is pineapples . Joseph Birlem is from Los Angeles ,California .
His birthplace is the United States. Before he was famous he was a skate boarder. Now , he makes really amazing musical.lys. His username for musical.ly is @itsjoeybirlem . Y'all should go follow him . For snapchat his username is @joeybirlem . Joseph and his friend Taylor Holder has a YouTube
Channel called Joey and Taylor . They do challenges and funny things . I think
y'all would like it . And if y'all like it subscribe and click thumbs up . He is amazingly awesome . But I hope y'all like the book. This is the first book I ever wrote a book .
California Boy
Non-FictionThis is a book about a California boy. This book is full of facts about Joey Birlem.