i missed her

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this is chelsea ^

chelsea's pov

"babe, take me back"
"why are you being like this"
"you're always like this"
"whatever, bitch"
"remember when you said you loved me"
"you're a fucking liar"
"you're not even as hot as brook"
"i'm going to kill myself"

fucking keagan. can't leave me alone for two god damn seconds, can he? i'm done with his indecisive ass, fuck him. why'd i ever like that douche weeb? leave me the fuck alone. i throw my phone down. another ding went off, and i thought it was keagan again, but it was my best friend.

"hey, let's go out"

perfect, thank you, nicole

i put on a black leather jacket over my black halter top. i paired that with my light wash jeans which were ripped at the knee and black vans. it was currently 11pm on a school night. i peek into my mother's room to find that she's sleeping; perfect. i open my window and climb onto the roof to find my childhood friend/neighbor, hunter, with a textbook in his hand, watching me with what looked like a worried expression. i put my finger over my lips, signalling him to keep quiet about me sneaking out. he "zips" his mouth shut and smiles, and i smile back. i leave my window nearly closed, and i climb down the plant wall. nicole pulls up just in time, and i hop into her car. i wave goodbye to hunter and smile, and he does the same.

hunter's pov

i was just studying in my room, and i see something on the roof of our neighbor's house from my room. it was actually a someone. chelsea left her window opened slightly and turned around and saw me. i gave her a concerned look like "are you really supposed to be doing this?" she signals me to keep it on the down low, and i "zip" my lips shut. we exchange smiles. i love her smile. she climbs down the plant wall thing (like rizzo did in "grease") and hops into nicole's car, and waves goodbye and smiles at me. i obviously wave and smile back.

chelsea and i are the same age, but i'm like 6 months older. hard to believe, huh? she changed a lot ever since i got into magcon. i wasn't there to hang out with her, so she hung out with the bad crowd. i don't see/hang out with her for two months, and she has a tattoo sleeve, an undercut, about 17 new piercings, and short, jet black hair. we used to be super close, but now that i travel, we hardly talk anymore. she was invited to join magcon, but she turned it down. she became famous by youtube. she's funny, and she's talented, and she's beautiful. she always has been. when we were younger, i'd play guitar, and she'd play piano amd ukulele and violin. she was such a bright kid, but then middle school; she says was "hell" for her. freshman year, i was hardly there for her. i mostly did online school. she even got me a gift for my birthday when i forgot hers even though we drifted. i didn't recieve it until i got home. a month later.

i keep her secrets. it's the least i could do after leaving her.

i had an idea. we had an arizona show, and i'm going to get her vip tickets. i text bart, and he hooks it up.

i wait up until chelsea came home which was 5am. her eyes looked red, and she seemed stoned as hell.


it looked as if it was going to rain; it was gloomy outside. chelsea loved rain. it hardly rained.

"hey there, bud" i text chelsea

"what's up? it's been a while"

"i know! are you free rn?"

"yeah, what do you wanna do?"

"ice cream?"

"of course! just like ol' times haha"

"i'll be at your front door in 30"

"does it take you that long to get here haha"


"alrighty, see ya then"

i make sure i look okay, and i grab my wallet.

"i'm off to hang out with chelsea!" i yell to the rest of the household.

"OOOHHH" brandon smirks

"shut up," i smile and close the door. i quickly run to the store to grab chelsea a cactus because she doesn't like flowers. i head back to her it's been about 20 minutes, and i'm sitting on her doorstep. i decide to ring the door bell.

"hunter! hi!" chelsea's mom gives me a hug and i smile

"hi, amy! i'm here to pick up chelsea"

"you two goin' on a little date, huh?" she mumbles and smirks. i smile back and give a playful shrug

"you can go up to her room, i think she's finishing up her makeup"

"thank you!" i run up the stairs to her room, and i see her blending something. she taught me, vaguely, about makeup. it smelt good in her room, like her perfume.

"thanks" she chuckled. crap, did i say that out loud? god, that's so embarassing! you're here 2 seconds, hunter, and you're already being a creep. i missed the smell. i set the cactus on her desk next to her other succulents. she was wearing leggings and my old t shirt. we never dated, but she raided my closet a while back. she looked good.

"aw, thanks for the cactus, but i don't have anything for you" she says

"it's fine, i get to spend time with you" i smile, and she plays with my cheeks.

chelsea says "bye" to her mother, and we quickly jog to the ice cream parlor around the corner. we could hear thunder, and chelsea got excited.

"one scoop of coffee with whipped cream and a scoop of chocolate please" i say

"you still remember?" chelsea smiled. i smiled back. she pulled a $10 bill out of her pocket and nearly handed it to the guy. i took her money and shoved it back in her pocket.

"i got this" i say, as i hand a $20 bill to the guy. chelsea smiled. we started walking back.

"thank you, hunter" chelsea said as she put one arm around my neck and hugged me. we walked to her house to hang out. i missed her. more than i thought i did.

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