chapter 2

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Alexandria Daddario as Tiana

Blake's POV:

"Man, you should have seen the way Evil was fighting, that hippo totally deserved it" Cameron said. He was currently blabbering about our oh so mighty Evil who won again in yesterdays match. She was never defeated in any of the fights. We can't really see her face as she wears a mask but damn boy, she is smoking hot! Her ocean blue ice is so icy that one look from her can kill you. Her brown-gold hair is till her waiste which she always tie in a ponytail. And her pink plum lips is so kissable that I can kiss her all day. And her body, its like perfect body, right curves at right place. Its shame that I can't see her whole face but I know she's very beautiful. Though she seems mysterious, she seems gorgeous also.

"Are you listening man?" Cameron asked me. Well I was in Evil land how can I hear him blabbering then? "Yeah". I replied though I didn't hear a single thing. I was too busy thinking about the Evil beauty. "You know there's another match within this week, maybe on Friday." He said. I never missed a single match of Evil. She's like my role model.

I want her to notice me, I mean I know once she will notice me there's no chance that she'll not like me. I mean I'm Blake Ryder, the bad boy, with good looks and everything. No girl can avoid my charms. I get what I want. And now, I want Evil. "I'll definitely come on her match, I know she's going to win anyways. I just want to know that who the real Evil is" I said.

We skipped our first 3 lectures and now it was our lunch time. We were on our table, when Cameron started talking about some chick named Monika. He pointed towards the table where she was sitting with her friends. I don't know why but I found the girl in blue top quit attractive. She she was wearing blue top black shorts with a jacket. From here I can see that  Only half of her face was visible to me from here but I can tell that she was not wearing any makeup. And she really was gorgeous without any makeup because she had natural beauty.

"Who's that chick with her? The one in blue top?" I asked. " she's​ one of the Monika's friend, her name is Tia or something. She was saying about her that how nerdy she is but still understanding. She's grade A+ student." Said Cameron " why? You interested in her?" He asked while wiggling his eyebrows on me. I smirked instead.

After finishing our lunch we made our way towards them. I can hear them discussing something about lectures an all. Hmm, she really is a nerd because she was the one who was continuously talking about studying, homework etc. She was so lost in talking that she didn't see me coming and bumped into me. When she looked up , it was like the world stopped. She was damn beautiful. Even beautiful would be less, she is gorgeous. Her innocent blue eyes was widen as she was staring me. But still her eyes looked like it'd some secret held in it. Her body was almost pressed to me. Damn I want her right here, right now. But I controlled myself.

I smirked at her. "Already falling for me babe?" I teased her. She realised our position as I was still holding her elbow as she nearly fell. She quickly stepped back murmuring sorry. "Hey babe, how are you doing?" Cam asked Monika. I expected her to blush but she smirked. She frikking smirked. "Nothing babe, just thinking about you" she replied and winked before leaving us. Well that was not what I expected.

Soon we got at my place. They practically stay in my house. "Dude, you don't have any food in your fridge." Aiden whined like a baby. "Well you people don't leave anything in it, not my fault" I shrugged. "I'm ordering pizza" said Auden. Well both of them are hungry most of the times." Hey Blake, Evil's next match is on Friday, that is day after tomorrow as today is Wednesday" Cameron said. "Yeah, I'll come." I replied. Wait for me Evil.

I know its not so good,but....
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