Today (Part 2)

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It was Wednesday morning at the University. Lisa and Jisoo were in their classroom. Lisa couldn't focus well on what the professor was saying and she looked like she was in pain so it made Jisoo worry.

"Aigoooo~ my head hurts a lot!" Lisa complained while gently massaging her head.

"What happened Lisa?" Jisoo asked.

"Well, since you know Bobby oppa, you know Jennie unnie right?"

"Bobby oppa's girlfriend? What about her?"

"I think she had a fight with Bobby oppa because I always see her drinking. Yesterday, she came at Chanwoo's house with a bottle of tequila and Chanwoo texted me to come cause he needed help."

"You two helped her finish the bottle of tequila???"

"Yeah. I wasn't planning to drink and get drunk, but Chanwoo was worried about her. And..."

"and what?" Jisoo was really curious.

Lisa's head was turning. She couldn't talk anymore to Jisoo. She got out of the room and rushed to the nearest CR because she her stomach hurts badly.


Yes, it's June again. Out of all the persons to bump into, Lisa bumped into his chest like the first time she met him. Only this time, Lisa's head was in much more pain.

"Ya!!!!" June groaned loudly.

"Lisa are you okay? You look pale!" Donghyuk was really worried.

Lisa grabbed on to June's hands. June did not protest because she looks like she would faint. He hold her back so she wouldn't lose her balance. Their eyes met and the next thing happened stunned all of them.


"Oh no she didn't!!" Donghyuk exclaimed. He could not hold his laughter because Lisa vomited on June's new and expensive shoes. Donghyuk even laughed louder when he thought about how June was bragging about the shoes earlier.

June was furious he let go of Lisa's hands and looked at Donghyuk like it would be the end of his life.


Donghyuk stopped laughing because of June's glare. Donghyuk helped Lisa get to the girls' room to wash herself and even let her borrow his extra clothes. June went home and did not attend the rest of his classes.

After vomiting, Lisa felt a lot better, but she was so embarrassed. She asked Donghyuk, "Do you think he would kill me?"

"No. I think deep down inside, he's worried about you too. He just like to look tough I guess. Now tell me, why are you even hungover? I guess that explains why Chanwoo was absent in our classes. It's not good to drink when you have classes the next day you know."

"Well long story, but Donghyuk..." Lisa hesitated, but she wanted to tell someone so she asked, "Can you keep a secret?"

Donghyuk nodded his head and listened to what she wanted to say.


Text from: Chocoball Chanu______

Lisa!!! Come to the house now!! I need help!


Lisa rushed to Chanwoo's place because she was so worried about Chanwoo. When she arrived, she saw Chanwoo trying to get the shot of tequila from Jennie. That's when she understood that he only called her because of Jennie. She felt a little pinch on her heart. The bottle of tequila was almost empty and Jennie was saying a lot of nonsense and laughing about everything. She was really really drunk so they saved her from taking shots, by helping her finish the bottle.

"You two kind kids. Why are you still not a couple?" Drunk Jennie blurted out of nowhere.


Both were shocked with what she asked. Lisa just waited for Chanwoo to say something. She really wanted to know how Chanwoo would react.

"What??? This? This pabo is just my best friend! I would not ever think of dating her!"

"Neither would I!! You pabo! Jennie unniiiii, you're so drunk. You're talking nonsense." Lisa said to divert the topic. She tried not to show it, but she knows that a part of her was hurt with what Chanwoo said.

"If you two are really just "friends", then I dare you to kiss her." Jennie said while pointing her finger to Chanwoo.

"Why would I do that?! She even looks more manly than I do." Chanwoo protested.

"Yaaaaa! Lisa is really cute!!!! She just dresses differently than most girls, but she's really pretty! You should see the way she looks at you Chanumon." Jennie said while she was about to take another shot, but Lisa stopped her.

"That's enough for you Jennie unni!"

"You kiss each other first!" Drunk Jennie said childishly. Chanwoo just got silent.

"That would be the last thing I want to do unni and besides, I'm too good for Chanu. He could not handle this!" She said confidently and smirked.

"No kissu kissu? Then I'll take another shot." Jennie raised her shot glass of Tequila.

Chanwoo got the shot glass from Jennie and drank it.

"Hey!!! That's my shot Chocoball!" Jennie said.

Chanwoo stared at Lisa. He seemed provoked and she didn't understand what that look was for since she was only joking. The next thing she remembered was Chanwoo's soft and warm lips pressing on hers.

Lisa's POV: My... first... kiss...

******End of Flashback******


Donghyuk could not say a word from what he heard. He didn't expect Chanwoo to be that forward.

"Shit. Do you think he remembers? I think he was drunk that time too. I hope he doesn't remember." Lisa was panicking.

"Tell me honestly, are you really afraid that he remembers or are you worried that he doesn't?"

"What are you trying to say, Donghyuk?"

"From the look on your face right now, I think you're in love with your best friend."

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