Pure as Ice, White as Snow

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Based on the Brothers Grimm story, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, as well as the series, Once Upon a Time, written by Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis and shown on the ABC. Anything you recognise is not my own.


Pure as Ice, White as Snow


The fire in the corner crackled loudly, it’s sparks dying slowly, ridding the large room slowly of its flickering light. The room was magnificent, despite its lack of furniture, the walls lined with the darkest prints of gold, swirling in eccentric patterns, lining the roof. The floor was smooth and wooden, and the fireplace was lined by a darker wood. The only other object in the room was a mirror. The mirror was a masterpiece, a pattern of the darkest brown lined with silver, branching outwards, away from the middle, in an endless amount of twists and tangles. The mirror itself was shining brilliantly, even in the limited light.

A sudden slamming off the door announced the arrival of a figure, walking slyly towards the far wall, towards the mirror. As the figure got closer, it waved a hand towards the fireplace, which burst into a frenzy of flames, spurred by what seemed to be magic. The sudden light threw the figure into sharp prospecting. Her- for it was indeed a she - golden hair shimmered around her, like a sparkling waterfall, cascading down her back in a thick curls. Her body was slim, breasts full and a small smirk played around her plump lips.  High cheek bones lined her face and dark, long lashes framed her light brown eyes. A gown of velvet red crowded her figure, lace lining the full skirt while the bust was at a sharp V angle. Atop her head, a crown, made from the purest of gold that money could find, sat snuggly against her head, stinted with an array of sized diamonds.

Strutting towards the mirror on the far wall, the Queen smirked to herself, moving with a slight tilt to her hip, standing tall before the mirror, the smirk only grew as the light of arrogance shone through her eyes and she studied herself, a proud slant to her head.

Turning to the side, the Queen eyed the mirror before speaking. Her voice was loud and clear, full of authority and power, and a dangerous mix of allure.

Mirror, mirror,

Clear as glass,

Do you hear my call?

I am asking you to disclose to me,

Who is the fairest of them all?”

As she spoke, the mirror seamed to swirl and cloud inside itself, before the faintest image of a man’s face adorned it. The man in the mirror smirked at the Queen, and glanced over her. The Queen sneered.

Queen, you ask the same every night,

And we have yet to come across,

A maiden as lovely as you within our walls.  

But I’ll pity your ego,

And thus say yes!

You are the fairest of them all.”

Scowling at the mirror, but otherwise appeased by its answer, the Queen dismissed away the smirking man with a wave of her hand, sending the mirror into yet another tumble of cloud before it reappeared to its norm state, before she left the room again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2011 ⏰

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