7-24-17 Dungeon Master Blues

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I had a dream last night that we were playing Dungeons and Dragons and as we played the campaign it played out before us almost like a movie.
My brother, who normally DMs, was party leader, and, for plot purposes, was being a total jerk to like everyone. He said, "its like their trying to paint me as a bad guy, here." He was a bad guy though due to the affects of a spell from the last session.

We had these NPCs, kind of like Claptrap from Borderlands, that would narrate and movie the stories along.
We played two sessions, and in both we had a guest "Auror", DM, who was colicky hyped up with a TV style intro. We would play for a bit, like the before title bit is a show, then the Claptrap characters would be like, "And now, introducing today's guest Auror, Mathew Grey Gubler."

It would pan the  camera through the map until it reached him, who, first time, was wearing Salgexicon style robes and was sporting a staff and faux beard.

He DMed the first session, hilarious because MGG. Then we started the second where Josh, my brother, was forced to be even more of a Douche and played it off as if his character did nothing wrong. Funny, because IRL, we have somebody doing that in our campaign.

We started the play through, drumroll, "And now, introducing today's guest Auror, Mathew Grey Giblets." He stood there in a Santa suit, laughed, and said "I haven't heard that one before, I want to here it in game." We started playing and I woke up.

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