Not a Ravenclaw

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Teddy Lupin nearly fell off the bed. Not exactly an unusual occurrence for someone as clumsy and uncoordinated as him, unfortunately. But this time there was something-no someone-that was the cause of it.
"Teddy, I'm not smart enough to be a Ravenclaw." James.
In most cases, the tearful statement would have made Teddy's empathetic or as everyone else called it "softie" heart clench but not today. Not at 3 AM.
"What do you want James," Teddy whispered trying not to wake his roommates.
James sniffed in response and Teddy finally felt that familiar feeling in his heart. He grudgingly scooted over and pulled James onto the bed. "What's the matter James?"
"I'm not smart enough to be a Ravenclaw," he repeated.
Teddy stifled a yawn. "That isn't true James. You're plenty intelligent."
Another sniff. "No I'm not. I'm going to be the laughingstock of Ravenclaw. I'm not smart and good at everything like Dominique. And I'm not a bloody genius like Molly and Louis. I hate reading and writing. I'm not good at any of it. It's too hard," James ranted. Teddy could hear the tears in his voice. He put an arm around James, pulling him into his shoulder. "James, you don't have to be Dominique or Molly or Louis. You are intelligent. Maybe not in the academic sense but you have plenty of emotional intelligence. You know what people are feeling and thinking before they do themselves. You can read people. That's pretty special. And on the lighter side of things, I don't know anybody who knows as much Quidditch trivia as you do. Plus, there's a lot of other traits that make up a Ravenclaw. Individuality is one. You've always wanted to be your own person. You know, not 'James Potter the second' or your parents or anybody. Just yourself."
Teddy knew he was starting to say the right things from how James seemed to be listening.
"Acceptance. You never bought into prejudice. Not blood or race or against any of the houses either. James, you don't have to worry about living up to anybody's expectations. All that leads to is a lifetime of unhappiness and worry. All you have to do is be yourself."
"What movie did you get that from?" James asked sarcastically.
Teddy grinned to himself, knowing James definitely felt better.
"Your sarcasm is back so I know you're feeling better."
Teddy felt arms squeeze around his stomach. "Thank you Ted," James whispered.
Teddy ruffled James's already messy head of hair. "Anytime mate. Anytime."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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