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She was plain, lonly, and... sad
She was also only 11.her name was Sarah love.she had Brown eyes and a beautiful smile she hated her Brown curly short hair. She was nothing in this world, beacuse when she turned off the lights and looked in the mirror that's all she saw, nothing.Sarah had a mom who was always worried and a dad who was now dead. He killed himself, without a thought hannging thair.

Sarah had few friends(she moved to seven different schools in her 11 years of life.) and you would think she would have as many friends as God dose angels, but sadly no.

Sarah was suicidal and had a mask on. It was a mask of laughter and happiness.She was the toughest girl in school. She had been the girlfriend of all the poupular boys except one, William.

William was her faviret out of all the boys, he was kind, funny, and perfect he diddent want her and she new that.

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