xoxo, Mental Demon Exorcisor

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Anxiety is like having hell inside of you. There isn't just Lucifer. There are multiple demons torturing your mind at once. Much like Dante's theory of hell, the mind hell consists of multiple circles. Each ring represents something different. Mine include, men leaving me, my mother being disappointed in me, I'm going to get a deadly epidemic, and if I'm crazy. Not quite nine, but the stress sure makes it feel that way. It's odd, the fears that are inside these circles. They are different for everyone. The most mysterious part, though, is their origin. It didn't take me 8 hours to figure out where these fears came from. It took 4 years, an incredible therapist, and the frustration of not understanding. Some may figure out their origins differently, but my best advice is to start on a page. Write your fears across the page and connect ideas to them like a tree diagram. A seed always turns into a tree, right? It may take 2 days, 10 months, or 15 years, but you will get there.

I am certainly not all better just because I tracked my fears' origins. I'm having an anxiety attack while writing this. But, it brings me comfort to be able to have my demons get out of my head and get on a page for once. Repeat the exorcism verse five times a day, if needed; exorcise the hell out of them and silence their arrogant voice.

xoxo, Mental Demon Exorcisor

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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