Diary entry 1

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Hello I'm Sahara Molfoy. I'm the daughter of Draco Molfoy. You are probably asking yourself who my mother is. Well I don't know who she is. Well, back to myself. I'm 11 years old, it's my first year at Hogwarts school of whichcraft and wizardry. My father keeps telling me that I will be in Slytherin, but I'm not sure I will. Well back to present day. It's the day before we leave for Hogwarts. My father is taking me to Diagon alley to get my supplies.

"Dear students,
This is a list of all the supplies you will need for this year.
•Books (Harry potter edition)
•Animal (owl, cat, rat, toad)
•Ink and quills
We are very excited for you to arrive."
~Luna Dumbledore~

I'm nervous to go on the Hogwarts express. The reason for this is that I don't know who I'll sit next to I the cabins. We just arrived at Diagon alley , it's amazing with all these stores.  My dad first takes me to get the best broom there is, the nimbus 4000. I'm going to be signing up for whatever house I get into's quiddich team as their seeker.
   Next we will go to get my wand. While I was shopping, I see Blake and Alina Potter. Our families hate each other. I seem to like them. Oh no!! My dad sees Potter and all hell breaks loose.


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