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I cower in fear, back pressed against the wall, tears falling. "You killed her! She died 11 years ago becuase of you! It should have been you!" All in an instant; too fast, but still in slow motion, I feel my cheek throb and my body hit the floor. I close my eyes, just to think, to relax.

Repeated blows to my lower body and mid-section rain down. He's yelling, screaming, that I killed her. I hear both of my brothers' voices- two angles, my saviors- yelling to stop. More screaming, more blows, more tears.

Everything goes black. "Dani," a voice breaks through the silent darkness. "Dani," I know that voice. "Dani, there's something I want you to know," mom. It's her voice, soft and flowing. "I love you Dani. Don't forget that," the voice fades. Nothing is left, just darkness. "Danella!" A new voice, followed by a violent shaking.

I slowly open my eyes to Tyler and Dylan's faces. I feel the pain in my body, and head all at once. "Where is he?" I whisper. "He's gone now. Forever," Dylan whispers, sensing my pain. I find myself wrapped in their arms. "Forever," I whisper.

Say Cheese (Connor Franta)Where stories live. Discover now