Chapter 1

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There will always be that part of your life you regret. There will always be a part of your life, that no matter how hard you try you'll never forget. Even when you have moved on, and it is now in the past.

Tyler Wardrum is my only regret. His bright blue eyes, his derpy crooked smile, and his jet black hair. I never thought he would come back into my life. After all he left to move to Australlia with his mom.

About 3 years later, on a monday afternoon. I soon came to the realization that Ill never get rid of Tyler Wardrum; and I don't think I want to.

Sunday, August 7th, 2016     9:00 pm 

Alyssa Gold, The name my dad put on my birth certificate . The name my mother was born with. The name I hold dare to my heart.

My mother died when she gave birth to me. My father never truly forgave me for that. I know it wasn't exactly my fault she died. But somehow my father thinks I had every reason for the cause of her death. It gets to me at times. I mean knowing that my father never truly loved me because he can't get over the fact that my mother died giving birth to her second child.

My father makes sure I know how much he loves my brother more than he loves me. Jamie Gold, My 22 year old brother. My mothers first born. In my fathers case his only child. It hurts, not going to lie. what can I do about it though.

My life was really shit before I met Tyler Wardrum. He had became my happiness . The guy I would do anything for, I was in love with this boy. He was also my brothers best friend. Things went down hill when my brother found out Tyler and I had a thing. Jamie freaked, he stop talking to Tyler all together. As for me, My brother Ignored me all together.

Tyler Wardrum will always be the one person  I regret meeting. The one person Ill always hate myself for.

Tyler got me into some real shit. I ended up going to Jail for about a week because he decided he wanted to stash drugs in my car. Long story short, he wasn't a good person for me. A part of me is glad that he is out of my life.

3 years ago he moved all the way to Australlia to live with his mother. That was the day that my life got better. I'm now in collage, trying to become a Lawyer. I turned 19 Last June.

I got interrupted out of my thoughts from my best friend Alex. " Lyss you gotta come to this party tonight. I heard that it was going to be a good ass time!" Alex burst into the dorm.

I wipped away the tear that has managed to excape my eyes from the memories of Tyler. "I don't know Alex, I am not really in the mood to do anything." I said getting up and grabbing a cup of coffee. It is currently 9pm and im drinking coffee, Yes Lyss that's a good idea.

" I swear Lyss if you aren't ready by ten ill drag you out the house looking like that." Alex pointed at my clothes. I was currently in my Sponge bob PJ's with my hair thrown up in the messiest bun ever. " I don't think you would want that lyss." Alex went over to my closet and threw me a Bright red dress and some black heels to go with it. Alex isnt kidding when he says he would drag me out the dorm looking how I look. He has done it before. So I gave up and got dressed in the most beautuful dress I have ever owned. I did my hair and threw on some makeup.

10:43 pm

Alex and I arrived to the party, that some hopeless teenager is throwing. I absolutly hated parties. It is just filled with drunken teenagers just trying to hook up.

If I can go through this party without a single person hitting on me ill give 100 dollars to a homeless person.

The music was blasting, People grinding on each other. People making out in the corners.

I felt out of place, I shouldn't be here. I am just sitting here with a red solo cup filled with cheep booze. Alex was some where in the room, probably making out with a girl some where. Alex is the nastiest boy I have ever met. You guys could consider him a player. To me, He was the greatest guy I know. I mean as a best friend, He has always been there for me. Never a moment I felt alone when he was around. Well I guess except right now. He just ditched me.

I stood up, taking the last drink of the cheep booze left in my cup. I made my way to the back yard. I hate always being the downer at the party. I just cant help it.

The weather was nice tonight, Not to cold and not to hot. It was just right. Fresh air has always put me in a better mood.

" Hey beautiful, How is the party?" The guy that threw the party came up to me. I think his name was Luke. He sat next to me on the ground and handed me a red cup full of some liquior.

I kindly accepted the drink, "It's really great, you have a great house. It's huge." I told him taking a sip of the unknown drink. Tasted a lot like Rum, Which I absoultely dispise. " Well thank you! It's actually my parents house, But they are on vacation for most of the year so it is all mine." Luke said smirking. Smirking? why is he smirking. I started getting uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me so I stood up getting ready to find Alex and tell him that im heading home. " im just going to go, I have to get up early and go to class and I dont want to be out all night." I lied to Luke.

" Hold up where do you think you are going?' Luke forceablly took my arm.

It was starting to hurt a lot. " let go of me." I cried out in pain.

" Dude cmon Im just trying to have a good time." Luke pushed me into the fence. He started kissing my neck roughly.

I tried to push him off me. " GET OFF ME!" I yelled struggling to get his big built figured off of me.

His hand started going up my dress. " You look so sexy in this dress." Luke moaned

I started crying, I didn't know what to do. He is to strong. "HELP!" I tried getting someone's attention. Even though it was pointless because the music was up so loud.

I closed my eyes, Hoping that things would just go away.

All of the sudden the weight of Luke's body was off me. I still refused to open my eyes. All I could hear was the sound of Luke grunting.

I opened my eyes to see a dark figure beating the shit out of Luke. " WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" the figure threw another punch to Luke's face. "IF YOU EVER LAY ANOTHER HAND ON HER YOU WILL WISH YOU WERE DEAD." the figure screamed hitting Luke one last time, Before getting up and coming over to my shaking body.

I was still crying uncontrollably." cmon we are getting out of here." the stranger that saved me from getting raped said while grabbing my wrist and walking me out of the party.

"Well I don't mean to be disrespectful, I mean you did just save me; but where the hell are you taking me?" I said stopping  in my tracks before the guy could put me in his car. I don't trust him! I don't know him.

" Will you just shut the hell up and get in the car? " The guy opened the car and pushed me into the passangers side. He then proceeded to get into the the other side of the car.

Then we just droved off, With out a knowledge of where he was taking me. Or who in the hell he was.

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