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A/N: Heavily inspired by Send Me the Moon, an incredible Star Trek Reboot fanfiction on ao3 written by IntelligentAirhead and lily_winterwood: <http://archiveofourown.org/works/972969>. Please let me know if I have unintentionally plagiarised or copied it.

Also inspired by the fact that the San Andreas fault runs very close to not only Los Angeles, but Rowland Heights, California, which is where Joven grew up; Sohinki grew up in Virginia but his parents moved to Sanford North Carolina, one state away.

This is the Jovinki Pen Pal AU that I've been trying to write for a bit. It's not nearly as good as the fic that inspired it, and the title (Californian Troubles) is horrendous, but hopefully you all enjoy anyway =) .



I don't know if this will ever reach anyone. I'm literally just writing a letter and putting it in a bottle and sending it out to sea hoping it actually reaches someone. My name is Joshua Ovenshire but you can call me The Jovenshire. I'm from what was known as California, but apparently it, 'doesn't exist anymore'. Look, I know it split from the rest of America five years ago - or the west part of it, at least - but that doesn't mean it's gone from existence. Can you guys just look over the rocky waters and your own asses and see that we built the wall as a defence against said rocky waters???

Also, please reply. And please say I'm cute. I'd send a picture but all the cameras I have got wrecked by the big waves that hit us before we built that wall.

I'm 18, by the way.


The Jovenshire


To Joshua Ovenshire,

Hello. I got your letter. I can't believe that you sent this in a bottle of Jack Daniels, or that it somehow reached me, even though I'm in Virginia, America. It's not a land-locked state, but it might as well be because the message-in-the-bottle shit actually being true is...well, these things don't happen. Except for now. Also, you're 18, or at least you were when you sent this. You're not supposed to drink until you're 21.

My name is Matthew Sohinki, Matt for short. I'm usually called Sohinki, though, because everyone's named Matt. It's something like the 25th most common name in the world or something.

I'm a 22 year old who has recently graduated from Syracuse University, or SU for short, majoring in Television, Film and Radio. Everyone tends to be quiet about "West California", AKA the "Millennial San Andreas Earthquake", because it's just a mythical event that happened at the turn of the century. Although it did happen then, in the year 2000, didn't it? And it's obviously not mythical, even though it sounds like it, because for you it's very much real.

You said that California split five years ago, which means that you wrote your letter in 2005. It's 2009 now, so it's been a few years, and I'm sending this letter on the assumption that it reaches you. But you could be dead for all I know, or maybe this message will just never reach you. Also, you didn't provide an address, other than, 'west part of California', so fuck you.

I'm currently looking for jobs. It probably seems really mundane to you, or just plain stupid, because you're probably going through the apocalypse right now. But I really want to get into media and post-production stuff. It's tough to get anything because everyone wants to be in media. I also did writing on the side, so maybe I could be an author, but I'd just end up being a starving author instead.

Also, I refuse to call you Jovenshire, least of all with the in front of it. Oh, and I'd send you a camera, but I don't think it would reach you without being destroyed by the rocky waters around you.

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