Sugar Spice And Everything Nice

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With the rain pouring down and pattering on the window sill, Sanyukta could feel anxiety take over her anger. She leaned momentarily against the kitchen counter after she'd switched on the coffee maker. While grinding the beans, her mind went on an overdrive. It had been two hours since Randhir was supposed to be back home but he hadn't showed up. The temperature had dropped steadily and even with the windows closed she could feel goosebumps erupt all over her bare waist as the breeze hit her. Sanyukta poured her piping hot espresso in a mug and held onto it firmly letting the warmth seep through her palms. The house was silent and she could hear the clock tick. The food had gotten cold but she didn't care. She wanted Randhir back home. Safe and sound in her arms. She could be mad at him later. She could trouble him and unleash her anger on him for forgetting their anniversary. She would make sure he would make up to her but only after he was back and close. "Dadda will be home, sweetheart. And when he finds out about you he'd be thrilled!" Sanyukta murmured sipping her coffee. She sat down on the couch but couldn't cross her legs. Her sari wouldn't let her. Sanyukta decided that it was best that she'd change back to her sweats because Randhir and the extreme downpour had killed her vibes. Sanyukta had decided to surprise Randhir with dinner and she'd break the news of her pregnancy thereafter. She had taken the day off and been hard at work; cooking, cleaning and grooming up. She smiled remembering how she had almost let her meat pie burn while daydreaming about how Randhir would react when he'd find out about her pregnancy. She looked back at the wallclock. It was half past twelve. Sanyukta called Randhir for the umpteenth time but he seemed to be in a low reception zone. "Where are you?" Her voice dropped to a whisper and she started fidgeting with the ends of her sari. The doorbell rang the very same moment and Sanyukta's face broke into a broad smile. She ran towards the door almost tripping over herself along the way. She looked in through the eyehole. It was Randhir. "Randhir!" She exclaimed happily on opening the door. Randhir had a good day at work. However he seemed to have a tough drive on his way back. There was heavy traffic and he had been stuck in the same spot for almost over half an hour. What seemed to annoy him further was the incessant blare of horns. He sighed in relief as soon as he made it into her parking lot. Shoving the tiny jewellery box into his pocket he made his way upstairs. He silently prayed that Sanyukta wouldn't be upset. She hadn't reminded him about their anniversary but he had remembered. Also her cheerful behaviour from morning and the fact that she took a day off from work pointed out how eager she was for today to end on a happy note. When Sanyukta opened the door he felt like he could ravish her on the spot. Her flimsy gold georgette sari clung onto her soft and supple curves perfectly. The sheer sequined blouse had a boat neckline and sleeves that ended at her palms. She had tucked her hair back into a loose bun and a few strands escaped the hold. "God! You're wet!" She frowned. Randhir smirked. He was hard. She would be the one who was going to be wet. Sanyukta took to her heels and ran upstairs to grab a towel. Randhir loosened his tie and locked the door behind him. He walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. Sanyukta was besides him the very next minute and was drying his hair. "What took you so long?" She asked, her brows furrowing in concentration as she made sure his hair wasn't dripping with water. "I was making out with my secretary and lost track of time." Randhir commented and Sanyukta shot him a glare. He was late. He was in trouble. And he was being sarcastic. Sanyukta tried to tame her frustration. Randhir noticed this and smiled trying to lighten the situation. "Have you seen how much it is raining outside? If this is the case, Bombay is pretty much gonna float away with the rainwater." He joked.

Sanyukta rolled her eyes before going back upstairs into their room. Randhir eyed the lavish spread on the table and smiled. Trust his wife to please him. When Sanyukta came back downstairs she saw Randhir drinking her espresso. "I'll get you a fresh one." She offered but Randhir shook his head. "This tastes of dark coffee and's tastier..." Randhir said licking his lips innocently and Sanyukta felt her body being set on fire. He walked towards her and took her hand in his. "You're hot." He smirked. "I'm not hot. You're freezing, Randhir!" Sanyukta gasped worriedly. "Get changed. I don't want you to call in sick tomorrow." Sanyukta said pushing him towards the stairs. Randhir handed her the empty mug. "What's for desert?" He asked in a flirtatious tone. Sanyukta didn't seem to understand the innuendo & shrugged her shoulders. "Caramel tart and passion fruit and strawberries topped pannacotta..." Randhir looked at her with an amused expression. "What?" Sanyukta asked. "We need to work on that innocence." He winked & Sanyukta's eyes widened on realising what he had really meant. She blushed her way into the kitchen & set the cutlery. Randhir padded bare foot downstairs in his olive green track pants & a black wifebeater. "Aren't you cold?" Sanyukta asked on seeing him. He shook his head and passed her a heart warming smile. Randhir decided to fool his wife and posed a quizzical look. "What's all the extravagant spread for?"He asked walking upclose to her. "I just wanted to cook." Sanyukta replied in a dejected tone. Randhir had forgotten their anniversary. She didn't want to remind him because he did look tired. It'd get him upset if he found out that he had forgotten it. "And what's with the sari?" Randhir bit his lip finding the situation thoroughly entertaining. "What's with the twenty questions?" Sanyukta snapped on figuring that she was being cornered. "Alright, chill!" Randhir held up his hands in defeat. Sanyukta shook her head and poured them water. "Sanyukta." Randhir said. He didn't want to upset her further. "Yes?" She asked trying to cover up with a sweet smile. Randhir smiled back. He loved this woman so much. She was always ready to give up stuff for him. Stuff that meant the world to her. "I've got you something." Sanyukta looked into his eyes. Randhir held out his hand and she took it out of instinct. He pulled her closer and she smiled at him. "What's with you?" She giggled as he tapped her cheek with his forefinger. He leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on her nose and then another one on the crown of her head. "Happy anniversary, peaches." Randhir whispered in her ear and Sanyukta felt her heart light up. "You remembered!" She wrapped her fingers on his neck & beamed. "I've got one wife. I need to remember only two dates...her birthday and our anniversary. I guess it isn't that tough a task." Randhir passed his signature smirk and Sanyukta couldn't help herself but press her lips on his smirk. Randhir laughed and pulled her closer by her waist. Her body smashed into him and he dug his fingers into her waist. "Randhir!" Sanyukta moaned as Randhir coaxed her lips to part with his tongue and let it slip into her warm mouth. Sanyukta squeezed her eyes shut on feeling Randhir trail his fingers over her bare back. She grabbed his face in her hold and sucked on his tongue. Her heart sped and she swore that she could hear it thump in her ears. Randhir let his fingers glide leisurely down his wife's back undoing knots on his way. He felt Sanyukta kiss him urgently and smiled. He let her take control for a moment and she sucked onto his tongue greedily. Her skin felt so smooth under his fingerstips and he wanted to push her onto the table and taste her. He felt Sanyukta's fingers move down his body, caressing his shoulderblades. Her palms pressed over his chest as she took his top lip in between hers to give it a hard suck. She let her fingers wander until they reached his waist band and she slipped her fingers into his tracks. Randhir groaned on feeling her frail fingers stroke his semi erect member.
He cupped her face and nibbled onto her lower lip as she pulled away from the kiss. Randhir could feel her hot breath on her mouth as he tasted her lip. She let out a soft moan and stroked his member further. "Stop." Randhir warned and Sanyukta nodded in a daze. She felt weak in the knees and her hands went back into his hair. Sanyukta closed her eyes and marvelled at the heady sensation Randhir's lips created. Leaning over him she saw Randhir pull away breathlessly. She smiled and Randhir could see that spark in her eyes. He loved it when her eyes twinkled. "Here." He said fishing out the dark blue velvet box from his pocket. "Oh!" Sanyukta replied still disoriented from the heady kiss. Randhir let his lips graze her jaw as Sanyukta opened the box. "Shit!" Sanyukta looked up at him. "This is goregeous." She squealed with delight. "My wife is gorgeous." Randhir kissed her temple. Sanyukta let her fingers trail over the uncut diamond ring. It was simple and classy and Sanyukta already loved it to bits. "Where do I wear it?" She asked. "On your neck." Randhir sighed and Sanyukta smacked his arm. "I'm not taking off my wedding ring." "You don't have to, wear it on your index finger." Randhir suggested. Sanyukta held out her hand and Randhir slipped on the ring. She then examined the ring. "God, it's lovely!" Sanyukta said. "I'm sorry, I was late." Randhir apologised. "It's okay. You already made up for it." Sanyukta grinned. "Dinner?" "Famished." Randhir replied playfully rubbing a hand over his tummy. "I'll get some wine." He said but she held his hand. "I don't wanna drink." She said shyly. "It's just wine, Sanyukta." Randhir stated. "No, I'm just not in the mood." "Alright." Randhir sat down on his chair and Sanyukta realised that Randhir had undone all the 'doris' of her blouse. "Randhir!" She whined trying to reach out for them. Randhir smirked and winked at her while gulping down some water. Oh the bastard! He knew she wasn't wearing a bra. Now she'd have to deal with being uncomfortable and bothered throughout dinner. A while into dinner and she had almost forgotten her state though. Randhir had her grasped into a deep conversation. "It's got anchovies; that stalk." Randhir stated like a gourmet chef. "I don't know I had just tasted that once on our honeymoon." Sanyukta said forking her lettuce. "Let's take a week off." Randhir said munching on some hashbrowns. "A get away?" Sanyukta asked excitedly. "Yes." "I'll have to text my snooty jerk of a boss. He's such an ass. Gets me all worked up." Sanyukta complained. "I hate your boss for ill treating you." Randhir agreed. "I hate him too. But I guess he's got his own positives. He's extremely efficient and hard working...and very good looking." "Lemme remind you...I'm your husband." Randhir replied with a tinge of jealousy. "I'll just text him. Could we go away tomorrow or the day after? It's a weekend. I'd tell him that I'd rejoin work the next week or so." "Its strange how your boss just seems to agree with all your irrational demands. Does he fancy you?" Randhir scowled. Sanyukta reached out for her phone and texted her boss. 'Sir, I'd be needing a week off. Will resume work as soon as I'm back. My husband needs my attention.' 'I NEED YOUR ATTENTION!' Came his reply. 'You have all my attention when I'm at work, Sir.' 'You skipped office today. I've found out it wasn't because of health issues', texted her boss. 'It is! I've been nauseous and I've missed my periods, Sir. I'm pregnant.' Sanyukta texted and bit her lip. A few seconds later, she was in Randhir's arms and his lips were weaving magic with hers. "You're pregnant?" He whispered and she could feel the happiness in his voice. She nodded against the kiss and Randhir kissed her firmly yet tenderly and she could slowly feel herself go breathless. "Happy anniversary, Sir." Sanyukta smiled and looked down at his wet lips. "Thankyou, love. This is the best gift ever." Randhir voiced sincerely and hugged her. Sanyukta felt herself melt in his arms. Randhir kissed his wife's head. She was pregnant.
They were going to have a baby. He felt like he was the happiest man alive. "When did you find it out?" Randhir asked excitedly and Sanyukta laughed at his childlike enthusiasm. "Yesterday, I'd gone to the hospital when you were on site inspection." "Why didn't you wait for me?" Randhir scolded her. "I didn't think it was that serious." "How far along are you?" Randhir said while showering her face with tiny wet kisses. "Six weeks." "That's like a month and a half." Randhir's eyes widened with realization. "You're already Dadda by a month and a half Mr. Shekhawat." Sanyukta informed. Randhir seemed stunned by all this information. "I think I'll go crazy with all of this news!" Randhir hugged his tighter. "Thank you so so much, Sanyukta." He said, pecking her cheek. "I still can't believe it that you're pregnant!" Randhir lifted her up and twirled her. "No! Stop!" Sanyukta squealed happily. "Wait a sec...And you cooked ALL of this while you were pregnant!" Randhir crossed his arms. Sanyukta sighed and started cleaning up the table. "You aren't supposed to be exerting yourself. Don't you have any supplements? What did the gynaec have to say? Stop working. Come here!" Randhir flipped. "Gosh! Randhir. Stop being paranoid." Sanyukta mumbled. "I'm okay." She looked him in the eye. "Alright so we are going to the hospital the first thing tomorrow and you aren't coming to work after we're back from the holiday." Randhir informed. "We'll see about work." Sanyukta argued. She didn't want to stay at home all day and night for the next nine months and after. "Sa..." "Shhh..." Sanyukta placed her finger over his lips and then gently let her thumb brush his lip. Randhir Singh Shekhawat was distracted. "Desert?" She offered and Randhir passed a naughty grin. "I wanna have desert off you." Randhir leaned forward and stuck out his tongue. Sanyukta was too shocked to react and saw Randhir trail his tongue over her lips, tracing them. It was so erotic. She gasped and Randhir kissed her open mouthed making her purr. When Sanyukta was about to deepen the kiss Randhir pulled away and gave her a victorious smirk. Sanyukta hissed. "Come upstairs with the pannacotta...I'm waiting..." He spoke in a ghost like voice and before she turned around to retort he had vanished into thin air. She could feel herself go jittery with excitement. Randhir had always managed to keep their sex life spicy. She could only wonder what had he kept in store for her. Sanyukta walked up the stairs with a ceramic tray in her hands. Their room was dimly lit. Randhir was on the phone. "Yea...schedule it for a week later...mhmmm...okay...",Randhir said. It was almost two and Sanyukta stretched. She hadn't realised that Randhir had stopped talking and was eyeing her. She blushed under his lustful gaze. Randhir reached out for the glass and scooped out a spoonful of desert. "This is delicious." He appreciated. Sanyukta smiled. "I bet it'll taste better off you." He smirked but paused. "Strip for me." He said his voice toned down to a mere hush. "Ummm..." "I'll make it easier for you." Randhir grinned and held out a spoon for her. She opened her mouth out wide and Randhir fed her. He deliberately let the spoon touch the corner of her lip so that he had some of the strawberry crush was now on the outside of her mouth. His gaze fixated on her lush lips as she sampled the flavour. The tiny drop of syrup made its way down and Randhir captured it with his mouth. Sanyukta's breath hitched in her throat. Randhir let his tongue wipe clean her lip and Sanyukta let out a moan. His hands deftly pulled off the end of her sari and she assisted him in undressing. When she was down to her panties, Randhir could feel his body being set ablaze. Sanyukta was beautiful. He took off his wifebeater and leaned forward. Sanyukta welcomed him into her embrace and he kissed on the soft skin between her lips and nose. "Happy anniversary, Sanyukta." He murmured and she swore that his molten chocolate orbs could burn through her and seek her soul.

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