Chapter 1

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"And in other news, recent reports by police officers have no sign of the whereabouts of the ferocious serial killer known as Jeff The killer. Last night the serial killer struck again at the beloved "White" Familys house murdering everyone except the new born who is being adopted by the next of kin-"

I turned around and saw that my mom turned off the TV to the living room. "Mary you shouldnt be watching stuff like this..." She said walking away and taking the remote with her. I sighed and got up to go to my room upstairs; after going into my room i locked the door behind me, then  covering the windows in my room not letting light come in. I sat on my bed just staring, but nothing in particular i suddenly got the urge to want to break something or to scream my guts out.

I jumped off my bed taking my pillow with me and covered my face i then started screaming hardcore into my pillow. After 5 minutes of screaming i stopped and threw myself back into my bed. You probably think im crazy or have some mental issues, well maybe i do and so what? This is my way of calming my self down.

I started thinking about my life (im still in the dark on my bed) trying to figure it out somehow. I feel so confused and lost; like i have no purpose here. Before you start getting the wrong idea im not "emo" or anything, yes i sound kind of suicidal but im not and i am also not depressed. Its just that i feel so empty and i cant explain why...

I pulled my phone out of my black jeans and checked what time it was i sighed again it was barely 11:00 PM. My mom should be asleep already since she has work in the morning and today was friday so since theres no school tomorrow i can just stay awake for a few more hours. I really dont want to be in my house right  now its making me feel... Sick. And when i say sick i dont mean "oh this house is lame" when i say sick i mean the feeling that i get from here. The silence, the voices, the loneliness its all making me go mad! I cant take it; i got up and quietly went down stairs i went into the garage and got my skateboard then left through the back door that was in my kitchen.

I went skating  to the park that was nearby and i expected it to be empty but no its was kinda packed, well the basketball court at least. It was filled with teenage boys screaming and cheering; the game looked like fun and i wanted to actually watch but it was too much people for me to handle i would most likely panic.

I went towards the skating part of the park and started just doing some tricks and stuff. Eventually i got bored and sat in the middle of the highest skate ramp; i stared off into the distance admiring the woods that were connected to the park. There was a trail coming outside of the woods ; it was a dirt path. I couldn't tell if it was going to be an official trail (or walk way) considering  the fact that there was a serial killer on the loose.

Without realizing it i was walking to the dirt trail letting my feet lead me to where ever. It was nice out here, i looked up and saw how bright the stars were and how dark the sky was. The path i was walking on faded out and i was in the middle of the woods already i didnt really wanted to go back to i decided to make the trail continue; so i took a right and kept on going straight after 10 minutes of walking i heard water maybe a lake ?  I went right to it. I went towards the bridge that was over the lake and looked into the water.


I turned around and checked my surroundings. " who would want to be out here so late?" I thought. I didnt want to take my chances on bumping into a stranger out here so i decided to go back to the park. As i was walking off the bridge i noticed something.... The wood it... It had a huge thick puddle of some type of liquid and it was falling into the water. I got down and touch the liquid. was blood...

I got up and started running i didnt stop i didnt slow down i just kept on running and as i was running i swear i heard someone chasing me or maybe i was scared and thought someone was chasing me? I dont know what to do i dont know if i should stop running i simply just dont... Wait... I stopped running, i stopped thinking i just stopped... And i started laughing.

"I dont know! I dont know!" I yelled then started laughing hysterically.

"Why am i running? Why?why?why? But why not ? Why not am i not running?" I said.

I sighed and sat down on the floor still inside the woods. I couldnt stop laughing and i knew why; i was laughing at myself. Why would i want to leave this place? I hate my house and like being alone, being away from people.

"Sometimes quiet is violent" i said "somebody stole my car radio and now i just sit in silence"


I felt like i was being watched, i felt the presence of someone behind me. I didnt care anymore if it was a stranger. I dont care anymore, i dont care, i dont care,  i dont care. I laughed again, then turned around to face the person.

I saw no one- wait but then why did i- the blood- oh forget it. I turned back around (still sitting on the floor) and thats when i saw someone; i smiled.

Nope, not just someone, not just someone at all. It was a guy, a guy a guy or possibly a girl? I dont know... Wait the hair- its a guy okay... He was tall at least 5'9 or so and he was wearing some black pants jeans im guessing and a white pull over hoodie. I looked at his shoes and expected converse but no they were just some other type of shoes (they were all black)

I couldnt stop smiling, i wanted to laugh, i wanted to scream not out of fear but out of excitement. I didnt know who this guy was but just by seeing him i didnt feel so alone? Sounded more like a question but its because i dont know! I saw his white pale face, black circles around his eyes, and lastly that smile... His cut open chelsea smile. I started to laugh again and then stopped; i saw this look on his face the look of insanity.

I knew i had to leave already but he was blocking my only way out. I got up and saw him walking towards me step by step he walked,  just staring at me straight in the eye. I didnt bother to move, i just stared back into those dead cold eyes and waited to see what would happen. I havent felt this happy before; my heart is pumping adrenaline, i- i feel so alive right now.

" what a nice show you put on earlier." I heard him say. So he heard me yelling like an idiot well then. He was two inches away from me and i was studying his body position i saw his hand in one of his pockets from his hoodie.

"Glad you enjoyed it, only an idiot would want to see another idiot doing something so... Idiotic."  I said smiling. He looked down.

"Go to sleep" i heard him say then he suddenly pulled out a knife. I wasnt able to dodge it and got cut on my arm it stung like hell but i just ignored it. I was on the floor and was able to grab a hand full of dirt and when he tried to stab me with his knife i threw the dirt to his eyes and heard his scream. He covered his eyes with his hands and i ran off towards the exit of the woods, i made it out laughing and cheering for myself.

But i got my skateboard and started riding home; i saw no one at the park anymore and being alone here? Ha only an idiot would think its safe to stay here after being attacked.

I made it home and went inside from the back door of the kitchen. I was quite though making sure not to wake my mom up; i took my skateboard upstairs with me to my room because i didnt feel like taking to the basement. I locked myself inside my room again and took a shower, i was all sweaty and my arm was bloody; once i got out i cleaned my cut and covered it with some gauze and medical tape. I changed into some basketball shorts and a t-shirt and threw myself into bed; funny i wasnt tired at all. I checked my phone and it was 4:00 AM holy shit i was out for five hours?!?!

I quietly started laughing and saying to myself "i know what i want, i know what i want, i know what i want." I then fell asleep with a grin on my miserable face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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