Letting Go ( Fanfiction)

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Characters : Hannah (You) , Kris (EXO-M) , Chanyeol (EXO-K)

What are best friends for? For being around each other when it is hard and when they want to forget everything, but they can’t. Because the other person means too much for them to let them go.


Hannah had always been Chanyeol’s best friend. Since the day they had met, they knew that they will end up being best friends. They had a lot in common. They shared the same music taste. They were both passionate in dancing, they even liked the same food and both loved singing. It was no surprise to anyone that they were close because of the similarities they shared.

                Hannah had met Chanyeol when she was thirteen. At that time, the boy was nineteen. It was strange, how they had become close friends with the age difference that they had. But they just clicked. The male had looked after her as if she was his younger sister, and she had looked at him, as if he was her older brother. But it all changed at some point.

                When Hannah was sixteen, she had started noticing Chanyeol in another light. She noticed how his hair fell perfectly over his eyes. How his eyes shone when he was happy. How the little scar right under his lip made her want to kiss him. And his smile. His smile made her heart beat faster. She had tried to tell Chanyeol about her feelings, but he always thought that she was joking around with him. When she had said that she liked him, he laughed it off and told her that he loves her two like a best friend and a brother. It hurt the girl when he brushed of her genuine feelings like that, but there was nothing she could do. He was six years older than her; he could never see her in a romantic way. Not when he had all the older women around him.

                This was one of these days, when Hannah was hanging out with Chanyeol. They were sitting in the park, eating ice cream and chatting lightly. As they talked about their life’s and what they had been up to, Hannah could not help but notice again how attractive Chanyeol was. The way he happily licked his ice cream, just like a five year old, brought a smile on Hannah’s face unconsciously. He was truly an amazing human being. She was looking at his face, when he noticed that her ice cream was untouched. The man was a bit worried about his best friend lately. She had been acting strangely. She spaced out a lot, and she did not focus on her studies as much as she did before. Was something bothering her?

                “Hannah, are you okay?” The girl looked at her best friend and crush in surprise and nodded her head a bit too quickly for his likings. Chanyeol looked at her intently and started speaking again.

               “Alright, tell me what is wrong?” The girl just smiled at the man, but her smile did not reach her eyes. It was an empty smile. The man was for sure now that something was bothering her and he was willing to find out no matter what was the cost.

                “Okay, what happened, just tell me.” Hannah shook her head softly and looked down at her icecream.

              “Nothing happened; I am just tired because of the school work.” The man followed her every movement and wrapped his free arm around her shoulder. The girl stiffened when he did so, but Chanyeol did not notice it.

                “You can tell anything to your best friend.” This was supposed to make her feel better, but the girl’s heart clenched in pain a little bit. Best friend? That was all she was to him. She could never be anything more to him. He could never see her as anything else just a sister and a best friend. As Hannah looked up at his face, she could not take it anymore. She stood up and turned to Chanyeol while taking a deep breath in.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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