Things I Despise About Wattpad

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Things I Despise About Wattpad


It's a good book and an OK movie

But what is wrong with you people you are all way to obsessed with Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, you need to get over them, THEY ARE NOT THAT HOT!!!!!!!!!!

2) Arranged Marriages

The Stories are great but the way you are writing them you make it sound like arranged marriage is something that is happening continuously

3) Stereotypes

What is wrong with you people, you are just way to stereotypical

e.g just because a girl wears revealing clothes it doesn't always mean they are bitchy and whores there is still a possibility that they might not be

4) Girl Who Thinks She Is A Nobody Falls For Popular Guy And He Has Secretly Liked Her Too

This is like, the plot for most stories, please people be more original, be more spontaneous

5) Vampires

Every vampire story I've read is all like 'I've fallen in love and guess what he is a vampire!!!'

These stories are so predictable most of them have the same story line and we can already guess what comes next because of that

6) Story - Lines/ Plots

People, we all need to be more imaginative, lots of stories have the same plots, why don't you try something new like

E.G. a story in the 1600's where a girl/ boy has been chosen a suitable fiance for there child because the are in some sort of trouble, the girl/boy gets married against their own will even though they love someone else, they meet their lovers at times when no one would suspect and it could end by a jealous trusted friend poisoning/killing them because they have been in love with them and if they can't have girl/boy nobody can have girl/boy

7) Happy Endings

I admit that happy ending are nice but, people need to stop making the stories sound like a fairytale, make it more realistic, life isn't always a happy and not all people have happy endings

8) Tittles

Not being rude, but you people need to come up with better story tittles

E.G. I'm in love with my Hot, Cocky Best Friend, And were getting married, And guess What 'He is a Vampire WHAT!!!

you would have basically given the whole plot of the story away without the person even reading it

but if you write something like ' Hidden Lies' as a tittle people will actually be bothered to open your story and read it

9) Stealing Other People's Idea's

please stop doing this, or at least have the decency to change the story - -line a bit but i think you should all use the first option

10) Characters

It is really tiring when you read a fantasy story about vampires, werewolf's ETC

Don't follow the trends, try making your own supernatural creatures up

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2010 ⏰

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