HaUnTeD FrOm BeYoNd ThE GrAvE

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Nabil woke up sweating profusely in like a manner as one drenched from a heavy rain . His night attire all soaked and the spotted blue dots from the curtains reflecting the seemingly bright rays of the full moon onto the opposite wall of his bed gave him so much relief .

It was 1:00GMT.

The picture from the blue dotted curtains formed what seemed like a flying Phoenix and Nabil was exceptionally proud of it as it have him a sense of hope never to back down like the Phoenix .

He lit the lantern , got up from his bed and descended the stairs into the hallway . It was gloomy , dark and scary as always . He mustered courage , walked into into the washroom and dashed up to his room like a rocket.

He woke up in the morning , still wondering about the successive nightmares Which woke him up at exactly 1:00GMT each night for the past 22nights .

He left to school still not speaking to Smoke , as his uncle's tirade over the broken glass 4 days ago had welled up such a grave anger in him.

So that night same thing happened

But this time ...

You know that feeling When the knocking on the window starts , you roll over and try not to look. You try not to move, or even breathe too hard. You even close your eyes when the rapping outside gets more insistent (angrier), and try counting backwards, and then forwards-- anything to feign sleep. Mostly, though, you try to forget your room is on the fourth floor.


I'm Qelvin.

My girlfriend and I used to send each other flirty texts, pics, you know the drill. Today at work she convinced me to go tit for tat (no pun intended) taking revealing shots. I sent her seven pics, each with a little more clothing removed. But nothing came back. 'u holding out on me?' I sent. Nothing. Maybe she'd gotten bored. Maybe her phone had run out of juice.

When I got home there was only a tape covered in blood

I looked at my phone again. "u holding out on me?" hadn't gone through. She hadn't been out of range. I was Frantic, I chased down bars. And then my phone started going off. I found her in the bedroom washing blood off her feet . Honestly I didn't want to know .

Her, smiling, flirty. Just the way I remembered. Her taking off her shirt. Her smiling. Her letting down her hair, loosening her bra.

The second I thought of kissing her , My phone which was supposed to be off rang , it was Ramie😒.

I put her on speaker so I could continue with my girl while I listened to her .

It was her 15th birthday and she learned she had been gifted with the powers of ESP. If she focused hard on another individual, their mind would become open to her and she could read their thoughts. For weeks she used her new found abilities to her advantage, doing things like probing her teacher's brain for answers to quizzes and looking through the head of Samuel , a boy she was crushing on to see if he liked her back.

One day during lunch she decided to examine the thoughts of Leslie ,the school custodian. She saw how he was abused as a child and how his wife Maame Esi had left him six months prior. Ramie could feel his depression and even cried when she realized he had attempted suicide after the death of his child. Yet somehow Leslie showed up for work every day with a smile on his face. From that point on Ramie decided to use her powers more responsibly and give people their privacy.

Later that night as Ramie's mother was tucking her into bed, she thought about Leslie and his sad life. She felt guilty for invading his mind earlier that day, but she couldn't help herself. Ramie had decided that she was going to repress her powers, but she needed one last hurrah. The young girl focused her ESP towards her Mom. What she heard caused her to gasp out loud.

"The little brat still hasn't figured out I'm wearing her Mother's skin."........

"Omg where are you now?" I said ,


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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