The Sun, The Earth, and The Moon

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In our bright swirling Milky Way lies the Sol system. There you can see the bright yellow light that can blind you if you stare. We call that glimmering ball of burning gas "The Sun". It was a majestic heavenly body, even created the planets to give it company. He created Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, and last but never forgotten Pluto. Among this group of planets and one proto-planet is the smart and young Earth. Earth was so witty that he chose the Goldilocks area of the Solar System so that life would exist within him, which in the long run ended up destroying him. But even with all this he was still dissatisfied. He never liked the fact that he had to go around the Sun again and again for all existence. No, Earth was just saddened by this inevitable truth. He thought why he should go around his creator. He can do anything he wants. He could explore the endless void of space. He could even look at the Milky Way from afar and realize that it's just a two pieces of sunny side up eggs stacked together. Yeah, Earth can do that. He knows he can, but still he was unable to. He may be capable of doing all these great things but he also felt alone. He wants to do it, but he doesn't want to go solo. So he asked all the other planets, his brothers and sisters, if they would come with him in this little rebellion of his.

He would ask Mercury but he loved the Sun too much to even go farther away from him. He tried asking Venus but she was too busy in becoming hotter and outmatching Saturn. He pleaded for Mars but he too was trying to miserably impress Venus -poor lad. He talked to Neptune but his brother was too majestic to care. He went to Saturn but was also denied at, for she was also occupied in overshadowing Venus. Jupiter was next but he told Earth that he should just "Deal with it and forget about it." And lastly Earth went to Uranus but as he can see he barely even know how to rotate properly. Poor little Pluto was forgotten because of the little people Earth made. With all the rejections Earth was saddened. Who wouldn't be sad if they were rejected, and so Earth cried for 40 days and 40 nights. Earth was so sad that even Sun had to notice. Sun asked why so gloomy when you can be sunny. But Earth refused to answer. Though after unrelenting persuasions of the Sun, Earth gave in. He asked why they should always rotate around the Sun. The Sun simply answered that it was what they were made to do, but Earth disagrees. Earth knew that they were created for more. But Earth's opinion was ignored because after all, what is the Earth to the Sun to ask why he should go around him. What is the creation to the creator to ask why it exists?

Earth became forlornly. He was rejected freedom. He was taken away from the stars. And so he sat in silence and sadness, until of course something bright and big was approaching. Could it be? Could it be another planet just like him? Is it another heavenly body that thinks like him? Oh good heavens, mayhap he found his companion on the adventure? But he noticed something strange, that object was approaching too fast. It was the same size of brother Mars, and it's coming in too quick. Too fast, too quick, too hasty. Earth couldn't dodge, he was too slow. He heard a scream, then BOOM! Impact was made. He was grazed but the object was no more, crushed into debris. Although it was devastating to that unknown planet or asteroid, Earth managed survive with only a portion of him being casted into the debris. After everything had settled Earth was surrounded by dust and dirt and other stuff. The Sun, noticed the impact, told earth that what the thing just hit him was a planet who rebelled against their "Sun". She told Earth that once you leave her orbit that he would just aimlessly wander around space and most likely crash into another "Sun" or, in his recent case, a planet. This truth just worsened the emotional condition of Earth. Now he knows that he can't leave for he is afraid to end up like the one who literally just crashed at him.

Earth noticed something peculiar was happening around him. All the dust and rubble began to form around him. It started swirling around him until a beautiful ball of angelic reflected light was formed. It was one of the most beautiful things Earth has seen, aside from the comets. He asked the name, the reply was "Luna Moon." And with that the Earth had fallen for her. She was there by his side, closer than any of his brothers and sisters (and Pluto) had ever been. But Earth asked, "Are you going to leave soon?" Of which Luna simply answered, "If you give me a reason to stay then I will." Earth was overjoyed but a conflict of confusion followed soon after. A reason, he needed a reason! But what? He thought of every reason acceptable but he cannot concoct one. Then his mind simply went blank and he said, "Because you have a piece taken from me. And I cannot be complete without it and so it is to you. I cannot take that piece back for you already took it and it is just not good to do so. But if you were to stay then not only would you complete me but you would turn this sad, miserable, and lonely planet happy and joyous. I am not forcing you to stay, nor am I asking you to leave. I simply ask will you be by my side until forever and after." Luna smiled. She was clearly blown away from what Earth. For he gave her more than just a reason, he gave her love. Something rare found between planets. Luna nodded in agreement that she would stay. This although did not happen without the oversight of the Sun. The Sun was outraged. A heavenly body was encircling someone not her. So she came to Earth and Moon (Luna) and demanded that Luna should stay away from him and started to encircle her. But Luna refused. The Sun was taken aback. She asked why, this was clearly not the reason she was created for. "Even though it was not the thing that she was born to do but it is the reason she chose how to live her life." Said Luna with a determined smile. This left Sun speechless because after all, what is the Sun to the Moon to ask why she chose the Earth. The Moon was not forced, neither was she chained by existence. It was what she wanted and it is what she did.

After this the Earth was cheerful and happy as ever. Because he no longer cared whether or not he would live entire life rotating around the Sun, as long as he would spend the rest of those days alongside the Moon. Because only she was able to light him up in darkest of times. Only she was able to give her company for all eternity. And the Moon chose the Earth because she was given reason, love, and a choice. And she chose to be with him.

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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