God I hate that British Appeal!

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I watched as he played alone in the band room. Tickling the keys so effortlessly with a beautiful melody floating around the room. It made me want to dance, to sing, and I HATED IT. I hated him. Everything about him. Especially the fact that he's so good at everything and so handsome and smart. All the girls all around him and he just seems like he doesn't even care. I heard Victoria Mending in the girls bathroom talking about how he was staring into her eyes and saying how beautiful she was. It made me want to puke. He thinks just because he's the hot new guy he can do whatever he wants. He shouldn't even be considered the "new kid", He's been here for over a month!

I rolled my eyes and stormed out not even caring if he saw me this time. My converses slapped against the ugly puke colored tiled floor of Palmers High School while I bumped into someone. I looked up to see my best friend Kyle Reed.

"Hey Jamie. How are you?" his big brown smothering eyes were glued to mine. I knew he was suspicious of something but If I told him I had another "stalk the new kid" episode, he might lecture me. I don't need a lecture right now.

"I'm fine. Where's Chels?" Chels is the third pea to the pod. I've known her since the 4th grade when she shared her chocolate pudding with me when I was the new girl. She sprinkled M&M's in it and mixed it together. I loved her ever since.

"I think she went to talk to Ms. Foster about the research paper she didn't do. You know how she likes to talk her way out of everything."

"Yeah true."

"So you finished stalking him?" He stared at me and smirked like he caught me in a lie. I blushed a little and turned away playing with the zipper on my navy blue sweater.

"Oh shut up."

"Why don't you just admit you like him just like everyone else. Even if you can't admit it out loud, admit it to yourself so you can have a real reason to stalk him and stare at him at his locker." Was it really that noticeable? Okay I guess that counts as me admitting it to myself. Ugh FML!

"Okay fine. I guess I'm a little bit attracted to him. Ughh, why am I telling you this? All your going to do is go on about how he isn't a good influence and the bad-boy isn't my 'thing' and how I can do better. Blah blah blah." I rolled my eyes and began to walk, He followed me disagreeing.

"No I was not. Okay well maybe, yeah, yeah I was but you understand why I'm saying this right?"

"Cos your jell of his good looks and killer charm?"

"Ouch. No. Because I care and he seems like the type that can hurt you. You don't deserve that Jamie."

"Oh. Well thanks but no worries. He will never go for a girl like me. I'm waaaay out of his league." I muttered coming to a stop at my locker.

"No way Jay, your smart, funny, kind, what more can you ask for?" He smiled.

"No your suppose to say that cos you're the best friend. And more you can ask for is nicer boobs, a prettier face, better hair and clothes." My locker busted open and all my papers I usually stuff in there fell out. I sighed and got down on my knees to pick it up.

Kyle bent down too to help, "Looks aren't everything. And your not ugly. I think you're fine just the way you are." Kyle gathered all of my things and put them into the folder I seem to avoid all the time. I think I get my sloppiness from Chelsea. I can't think of anyone else.

"Thanks. I'll text you later or something. I'm gonna go home. I'm sleepy. Tell Chels to call me if you see her okay?" I grabbed my book bag and shut my locker door.

"Okay. Hope you feel better." He called out as I headed to my dirty Toyota. God I need to clean that damn car.

Plopping down on my bed never felt so good. It was a exhausting day with all of the quizzes and tests. After five minutes of being lazy, I finally got up to take a shower. Feeling the hot water beat against my skin I thought would make me feel even better but it just made me feel worse because in the shower I begin to think. Its spring break now. I'm not going to see the "new kid" for a whole ten days. Ugh I can't believe this. I'm not the type to obsess over a boy. Never was, that was Chels's thing.

After pulling on some sweats and a hoodie, I curled up on the couch with Sir fluff a lot, my big, white fluffy cat and turned on the TV. I need to some how get his attention and its not going to happen with me looking like this. Appearance is always key to get someone's attention but I don't know what to do. Then suddenly, I got the greatest idea.

"Chels? Where were you after the last bell rang?" I asked her while turning up the volume on my cell.

"Hey. Oh I was telling Ms. Foster that I need more time. I gots the charm!"

I rolled my eyes and laugh. Always getting her way out of things.

"Well I have to tell you something okay. Now don't bug out, it's a little weird and out of character for me but I'll tell you since you're my best friend and I'm going to need your help."

"What? What? What is it?" she asked anxiously.

"I like the new kid. A lot." I confessed. There was silence for a beat.

"You mean Nicolaeus? The British exchange student from New York?"

"Errmm yeah. Him." Another beat.

"Oh well I knew that. I mean you stalk the boy everyday. He's cute!"

"Oh. I guess its obvious. But I really want to get his attention. I mean I don't really think I like him. I'm just attracted to him but I want to prove to myself and you and Kyle that I really don't like him. Its an attraction and that's it. But I need to attract him first. I can't believe I'm saying this but can you help me?" My breath was short after rambling that sentence.

"Oh-em-gee! Do you know how long I've been wanting to give you're a make over? No offense but I see a whole lot of potential. You know what? Get dressed." She ordered. I was suddenly regretting the whole idea.

"Wh- wh- why?" I stuttered.

"Cos we're going to the mall silly. Megan Fox is going to look like a dog when I'm done with you!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2010 ⏰

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