hybrid's world

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WARNING: This is a chapter to explain characters! Might want to read!

Skybrine (Sky's) pov:

Sky: Hi! I'm a hybrid. Well a gods son... I live on a island called hybrid island. We always get new people and visitors. We can only use our powers at night. During the day we have to be in human form. I have black hair and wear a purple amulet. It helps me stay in touch with my dad. I usually wear a sweater. I have to wear sun glasses to hide my eyes! My best friend is Jason or truemu! He is the only one who knows who I really am...

Withermu (Truemu/minecraftuniverse) pov:

Truemu: Hi! I'm Truemu! you can call me Jason if all of you want! I'm a man made hybrid. A wither mixed with a human. I moved to this island. No one knows what kind of hybrid I am. I want it to stay this way. I have brown hair. I wear a spacesuit to hide myself. I wear an amulet that is the same color as bedrock. I'm best friends with Sky!

Bodil66 (Bodil40):

Bodil: Hi! I'm Bodil40 or Bodil. I'm a mix between a human and a demonic demon. Herobrine created me. He sent me to this island. I only know Truemu. I hate to change between being human and my horrid demonic person. I have black hair and always wears tuxedos!

Enderlox (Deadlox/Ty):

I'm new to this island. I'm the first enderdragon hybrid ever. I wear headphones and a black hoodie. I have hair that covers my left eye. I really hate being a man made hybrid. It isn't fair!

{Hello guys! I'm working on this story! I will be adding more characters in! I even will pick some of yours! Form is below!

Crushes that are taken Sky Mitch Ty



Hybrid or human:




Sexuality (Optional):



Yup love you gamers :)

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