Summer after Highschool

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 ~Kirby's P.O.V~

it's been a week since our highchool life ended, no more alarm clocks that wakes you up when you're having a sweet drream, no more teachers who gives you loads of homework and stuffs, no more mean girls who annoys the hell out of you, well all of us were rejoicing because but at some point i think i would miiss them. 

life is a highway, i won't ride it on my own! we both sang in unision

are we there yet? Hannah asked my dad whose been driving the car

not yet, but we're close! my dad yelled so we could hear it from the back

oh my gosh i'm sooo excited! she squeeled

you think i didn't noticed that? i smirked

whatevs! she said and hit me 

aww! i protested

serves you right, poophead! she said in a childish way, well actually im a bit excited too. we're gonna spend summer at our beach house, me, Hannah my cousin, and dad of course.

After an hour of listening to my cousin, telling about her new surfboard and stuffs we finally arrive. wait, did i tell you that we knows how to surf? well we started surfing at the age of seven, at the first time i tried it i instantly fell inlove with it.

i hopped out the car and gather all my stuffs, then i put-on my backpack and rushed inside our house.

wow. i whispered to myself

i know! Hannah said as she tappedmy back

this only means one thing. she said

what? i ask

we're gonna clean the whole place! she said as she grabs the mopp

well she's probably right, the whole place was covered with dusts. 


we were laying down the sand enjoying the beauty of sunset, sometimes you need to reward yourself for doing a great job right? 

i really missed this place. Hannah said as he was staring at the sky

me too. 

remember we use to play games over there? she ask pointing the big coconut tree

yeah, we use to hide there when we're in troble. i said, she was staring at me then finally burst out laughing.

HEY GIRLS! DINNER'S READY! dad shouted then quicly rushed inside

leggo! i said and drag Hannah with me

hmmnnn, smells great! i sat infront of hannah and grab some plate

you're the best uncle ever!  Hannah exclaimed

well thank you my dear. my dad said and give us a big great bow as if he had performred on stage. i burst out laughing, foods just fell out because i stuffed so much in my mouth.

eeewwwww! Hannah look disgusted

why so girly? i ask while throwing a small piece of food that landed to her hair

hey! POOPHEAD! she quickly covered her mout by thetime she realized what she had said

we're not suppose to say that word infront of food! i protested

ammmsorry. she said

so what are you guys up to for tommorrow? my dad ask while raising an eyebrow

dunno? Hannah said while playing with her leftovers

well, i was thinking if we could go surfing tommorrow. i ask for my dad's permission

sure, as long as you two are happy. dad said while chewing his food

thanks dad. i said and smiled

~Liam's P.O.V~

alright, pack-up guys! Paul commanded as he clapp his hands

pack-up for what? Zayn ask

we're going to beach! Paul announced

really? Lou's eyes widened with an excitment

yey! Harry said childishly

when do we leave? Niall ask and stuffs his mouth handfull of chips

tonight! paul announced

tonight? we said in unision

Aye! for tommorow, we shall reach the shore! arrrgghh! Paul said trying to sound like Jack Sparrow

Aye aye captain! Harry and Louis gave Paul a salute before vanishing into their rooms and pack-up their things, i climed upstairs and did the same.

after an hour, Paul gather us around and started the car.


we left our flat around six pm, we arrived earlier than expected. Niall and Zayn slept during the ride while Louis and Harry stayed up, not much excited eh? (sacrasm)

we hopped out the car and rushed inside the house, it's almost eleven pm so the lads just threw their stuffs on the floor and sleep, well i'm a bit tired too so i did the same.


Author's note

Hey guys! so i deleted the first story i made, my sister said it was pretty lame, she's really supportive eh?(sacrasm) hahah well here's my story, hope you like it! thanks :)

love lots xxx

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