the past

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Hey guys so sorry for the late update i have been busy and i also have my other books but here you go. this one is going to be different so you get to experience a memory from Y/N past this is when she is 14 years old if you are younger just pretend that your that age and expect another author note at the end and please read the whole thing before the end and have fun.
- Firepower36

Ezra's POV

I laid awake unable to sleep. I hopped down from my bed and walked out, I tiptoed around the ghost trying not to wake up anyone I saw the door open I went over to it and saw Y/N sitting outside.
''Can't sleep?'' I asked she jumped a little, I chuckled and sat down next to you.
''Yea, you?'' She asked I nodded
''I'm surprised after all these years you haven't gone crazy.'' I said she smiled
''And I'm surprised you still smell like the sewers.'' She said I laughed and she joined in with me.
''Why don't you tell me one of your adventures?'' I asked
''OK.'' She said
This story was before my last day of training so a little more over a year ago. The day rose ran away.

Your 14 year old POV

''Hurry Y/N!'' Master Yaki yelled
''I'm coming.'' You called running after him. You could hear blasters going off behind you. You caught up to master Yaki who was waiting for you.
''Did you grab the chip?'' He asked as you both ran.
''Yep.'' You said holding it up it was long and silver you both made it to a closed door.
''Great,'' He said ''Stand back Y/N.'' He said you did and he held out his hands and the door opened.
''Go.'' He said you jumped threw and turned around then the door closed.
''Master!'' You yelled you held out your own hands and opened the door as far as it could go he came threw and you let the door closed.
''Good job now let's go.'' He said but troopers got in front of you and the door opened with more on the other side master Yaki pulled out his green light saber as you pulled out your blue one.
''Put your weapons down.'' Said the trooper your master looked at you and nodded, and with a smile he jumped up and you used your light saber when he landed behind the other troopers he got you out.
''Let's go.'' He said and you ran off, you made it out of the station and hopped on the back of a scooter that was outside and you both rode off it was the middle of the night so it was harder to see you. Master Yaki turned to the mountains and avoided the boulders to get to the cave, you soon stopped in front of a huge piece that stuck out of the mountain he jumped off and you moved to the front of the scooter he used the force to move the rock and you drove the thing inside he ran in and closed the rock.
''Master Yaki? Y/N?'' Some one called
''Rose!'' You called running to her, she smiles as the two of you hugged.
''Rose you should be sleeping.'' Master Yaki said Rose bowed.
''Yes master.'' She said master Yaki motion for you to follow but when you turned around there was a frown on roses face. You followed your master to a ship and into the command center, you took the chip and inserted it and a hologram of a supply route on lothal ran right pass the cave.
''If everything goes as plan then we have in of foot to help the refuge camp and have a lot extra for us.'' You said
''Now go and get some sleep.'' He said you bowed and walked off. Using what you learned you made yourself a room with a big curtain and you even used your light saber to make a bed against the wall you laid down and soon fell asleep.

Rose woke you up by shaking your shoulder.
''Thanks rose.'' You said to her she nodded and walked off you strapped your light saber to your belt master Yaki was meditating you in front of him and waited.
''Come they are almost here.'' He said standing, you followed him outside he went to the other side of the canyon you hid behind a bolder you saw a transporter coming your way. It zoomed past you and you brake into a run using the force you jumped high into the air and landed softly on it you hung half upside down and saw a panel and with your light saber broke it the transporter stopped and you were flown off. You hit the ground with a thump! Master Yaki ran to you.
''I'm good.'' You said the transporter opened and a few storm troopers came off master Yaki fought them off then the both of you left back to the cave, he left you there with rose and some crates with food and then left.
''Y/N I've been meaning to talk to you.'' Rose said
''What's wrong?'' You asked
''I don't feel welcome here anymore.'' Rose said
''What do you mean?'' You asked her.
''I mean I can't stand it here anymore master Yaki will never see me for who I am, he treats me like a slave.'' She said
''No he doesn't rose.'' You said
''Yes he does but you don't see it I always wanted to be a Jedi but he never tried to train me he has me locked up in here doing everything.'' She yelled
''Rose let me talk to him.'' You said
''No!'' She yelled ''I'm sorry Y/N I can't stay here anymore I'm sorry.'' She said and ran off.
''Rose wait!'' You called but she already gone.

Later that night you grabbed a bag of food and snook out with the scooter. Following the route to lothal you soon made it to a tower.

You pulled the hood of your cloak up as you made your way up the tower, when you got to the top you place the bag if food outside a door and knocked then jumped high into the air and landed above the door

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You pulled the hood of your cloak up as you made your way up the tower, when you got to the top you place the bag if food outside a door and knocked then jumped high into the air and landed above the door. Ezra pocked his head out and looked around he saw the bag and opened it then stepped inside and closed the door.

Ezra's POV

''Wait that was you that keeled leaving the food?'' I asked she nodded and I gave her a hug.
''Thanks.'' I said
''Your welcome.'' She said I yawned and we walked back into the ghost I watched her as she went into her room then I went into mine.

There you guys go I hope you liked it. :-) If any of you have a good idea on a start part let me know I love to hear from you guys my only rule is to make it appropriate (no swearing drugs. etc) if its not appropriate then I will do it. Bye and Intel next time.
- Firepower36

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