BEAUtiful feelings

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BEEP! BEEP! My hand slowly traced over the night stand until it fumbled upon the off button of my alarm. I lay there for about five minutes contemplating on whether I should get up or not. Of course my mom answered the question for me. "SAMANTHA GET UP NOW!"

"Okay..", I reluctantly reply.

I'm a senior. I'm kind of over this whole "high school experience." I just want out of it so bad. My lack of enthusiasm may give you the wrong impression about me. I mean I hate school, but I still play the whole "good student role." I'm defiantly no straight A student. I have this bad luck of somehow getting two b's on every single report card. No matter how hard I try. But whatever. I've learned that that's good enough- "Ah crap," Its already 7:30, I'm running late. I send a quick text to my best friend letting her know.Her car broke down last month and Until she gets the money to fix it, I'm her official chauffeur. I bet you can feel the "enthused" spirit radiating off of me. It's not that I don't mind taking her everywhere, it's just, well I kind of wish I knew I'd be doing it for a little over a month when I offered her rides.

I quickly towel dry my hair, throw on my favourite pair of high waited shorts, that are all distressed and frayed at the bottom, I pick out a black baggy shirt with a cut out back, in the shape of a heart, and pair it with my shiny maroon doc martins. I reach for my deodorant, spray some perfume and head out.

I'm not big on the whole makeup thing. Only because I'm too lazy to do it anymore. It probably wouldn't hurt to get back in the habit. Before i leave i take a quick look in the mirror. My hair is a dirty blonde, just below my chest (what little I have of a chest anyways, I've been a B for as long as I can remember). I guess my hair kind of has the natural beach wave to it. My eyes are a roundish almond shape, and a deep sea blue. I've been told that I have nice long full eyelashes. My mouth is petite, along with my nose, and I am freckled (not majorly, just a little splashes here an there). That is really all there is to me.

I grab the car keys and head straight to my car.I arrive at Kendall's house, And honk the horn three time before she finally comes out, she wearing a grey T shirt with mint shorts and the typical black vans paired off with a black beanie. "Hey, that beanies looking oddly familiar" I say. "Oh yeah you left it at my house yesterday, I forgot to tell you, but then I saw it this morning and It goes with my outfit." "Eh, I figured I left it at your place. Oh I also think

I left my underwear, so be on the look out for those, unless of course your wearing those too," I laugh. "Whatever!" She laughs back.

I pull up to the school just when She finishes applying her eyeliner and foundation.

Ugh. My first class is trig. I hate math. Who comes up with all these stupid equations and ridiculous steps anyway? ?

I walk into class just before the bell rings and take my seat. Mr. Crawks, begins to take note of whose absent and whose tardy to class... Just the usual uneventful events that take place at school. And then he happens. The most gorgeous guy walks into class. All of the girls are getting googly eyed. And I'm still in complete and utter shock. He's prefect. His eyes, were green and and had that mischievous spark to them. His tank clearly showed his muscular arms. He was this perfect tan, with flawless skin and this boyish grin that could make anyone melt. His hair was a hazelnut and just, well just perfect. And then those green mischievous eyes found their way to mine. I could feel my whole face turn red, my heart was beating so loud, I swear the whole class could here it.



And then I wake up.I have been having this dream for awhile. Each time I wake up it just hurts even more, because I have to come to the unsettling realization. The unsettling realization that my best friend is dead. She's dead because of me. Because that morning I just told you about never happened. It's like my mind is making up an alternative morning, a much better alternative. What really happened that morning is something that changed me, and not for the better. I did pick Kendall up, there's where the real and alternative mornings seem to intersect, but only for a mere second, and then they depart. Because that morning, little did I know that guy was going to be in the middle of the street. That I was going to be too late. That I would hit him and then skid off the bridge, and plunge straight into water. Everything happened so fast. Next thing I know I'm struggling for breath, and then everything goes blank. I wake up the next day. My mouth is dry, and the lights are far too bright. I had a throbbing pain in my head, and then I hear faint whispers and see distant shadows draw near. It was my mom, and a doctor. And then I remember everything. Everything. My first thought was "where's kendall?!" My question would soon be answered. She died. She died on impact, apparently she didn't have her seat belt on. And the guy I ran over, he's the guy that walks into class in my alternative dream. His name is beau. He's still in a coma.

BEAUtiful feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now