Who am i?

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Hello. I am Aurelia Jameson, a 14 year old female whom isn't known to this world. Why? I am a third child; and in this society I am illegal. It pains me every day as I stare at the corner of  the bunker. Blood still slightly stained those walls and their chilling screams haunted me to this day. *im sorry mom, dad* I thought as a flashback had flooded my brain. I tried to push it out, and had managed to put it behind me. *they were hurting you, Auri* I say to myself over and over. Lost in my thoughts, I had started to drift to sleep. It was not more than an hour later when I heard pounding; a loud, demanding pounding. I jolted out of my
mattress, leaving the sheets in a tangle. I grabbed the key off the tiny beside table and desperately tried to unlock the latch before they got in. I finally undid the lock, and heaved the door open, and crawled in before locking it from underneath. The rusty bars were what would save me. My heart thudded in my chest as I climbed lower into the dank hole. I heard a crash. The population police had found a way in. I started to descend faster, and in my rush, slipped and missed a ladder and fell. I kept myself from screaming as I plummeted, and to avoid a large thud, quickly hooked my arm around a ladder bar. Thankfully, that kept me from landing in a crescendo for the population police to hear. I hung loosely, my arm in searing pain; I think I had ripped my arm out of my socket or something. I regained my footing, and reached the floor. Just as Una and Fenn told me, there was a lantern with some oil and matches. I quickly lit the lantern, and ran through a short tunnel about 50 feet long. There was a bolted titanium door there, crafted artfully by Fenn, and just as he said, a key rested up top the door frame. Being the tall person I am, I snatched the key and quickly unlocked the door. I ran in, and locked the door tightly and added the locker lock on it. I had never done a locker lock, so it took me a few times to put in the numbers 5-34-2 before it shut. Exhausted, I slid down the back of the door to rest. I still had my lantern, and it dimly lit the room I was in. It had an unplugged mini fridge, a shelf with cans of fruits and vegetables, a bag hung on the wall, and a cot with a thick wool blanket and a chest. It was a nice room, but I couldn't stay for long. They would eventually find me. After all, they found Una and Fenn. You see, what happened to my dear sister and brother is tragic. I had been out in the woods hunting game, and Una and Fenn were home. The population police found them, and we're trying to take a third child an untold source had clued them in on; I was the third child. They went down the pipe, but forgot to lock the padlock from the inside. They had followed them; and it was too late. I regained my grasp on reality, and leaped up. I had to gather supplies. I snatched the leather bag, and  started filling it with cans of food, and of course, the can opener. I pulled the blanket from its resting position on the cot, and stuffed it into the big pocket. I stuffed the last of the matches in the bag and the key, and I was out the door too, until I remembered the chest. Dust caked the top of the chest, and I unhooked the metal clasp on the chest, and opened it. I gasped. Inside the chest was more than what I could process. Three changes of clothes, a first aid kit, a canteen, and a plastic bag. Inside, was a shiny untouched I.D. With the name Aubrey Williams etched across. The picture on there looked similar to me, except some flaws. For example, there were dimples clearly shown in her flashing smile. I had no dimples; or life. And her hair was parted in the middle with many flyaways, but I ignored it. That's what Fenn had brought for me that was "Top Secret". Thanks Fenn, for the fake I.d., and thanks Una, for the outfits. I think they knew this day would come. I also put all those materials in my bag. Before I left, i drew the blinds on the tiny 5 by 5 inch window on the front of the door, and made sure the locks were locked. After I had done it all, I slid through the metal bars in the sewage grate and ran off into the pipes.

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