A Jackass One Shot - WWP

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Okay so, I originally wrote this for an english assessment, and I enjoyed writing it so much that I thought I would share it with you guys:)


~~~~~~ [Bam's POV] ~~~~~~

"Man, what a mess"

I woke up groggily to the sound of my phone alarm, sighing while turning it off and rolling back over, ignoring the creaking of my bedroom door. I assumed that it was just the wind. I assumed wrong. 

"Wakey wakey, sleepy head."


Before I had the chance to move, or even speak, my vision was blurred by white dust, and my breathing was blocked by the particles that were now filling my lungs, causing me to cough and splutter, my friends' laughter booming in the background. When my coughing fit was over and my vision had somewhat returned, I turned to my friends, - who were still cackling like witches - only to realise the camcorder pointing in my direction. I got out of my now flour-covered bed and angrily stormed over to Johnny, grabbing a handful of flour and throwing it at him, chuckling at his rapid change in facial expression. I grabbed the half-empty bag of flour from my pillow, and forced it into Dunn's face, chuckling even harder as he squealed like a little girl, like a little pig. Before any of us knew it, we were all engaged in a full on flour war. There was flour everywhere, smeared into the carpet, inside the wardrobe, inside my shoes. My room was a total eyesore.

I had not long moved in actually. Me and a few friends had split the cost and bought a house in west Philadelphia, where we all live together - if you consider dreading walking around every corner, for fear of what you might see and/or stand on living, of course. - Raab Himself and I were the youngest - and laziest - in the house, and were always the first two to get pranked, but our revenge was to be feared. Raab and I were the best at causing havoc around the house, and we were usually the ones who came up with most of the ideas for footage. You see, we're that kind of guys. The wannabe-famous-prankster-stuntmen type, and we'll stop at nothing to get at least a tiny bit of footage on TV, if it be pouring bags of flour on eachother or playing sling shot skateboarding - a personal favourite of mine. It's when you wrap a bungee chord around two poles, stand in the middle, walk as far back as you can, jump on a skateboard and go where it takes you, which is usually straight to the ground and into a world of pain. Anyway, back to my day.

After submerging my head in the shower to get the flour out of my hair, I started preparing for what would be the best prank war ever. The guys and I had declared a prank war 'till the death after I got flour on Johnny's only love - his hair. We split into two teams; The Bleeding Frogs (A.K.A. Dunn, Raab and I) vs. Gnarkill (A.K.A. Johnny, Steve-O and my older brother Jess.) Oh, this is so on.

Before any of the pranks had begun, I took the time to hide my only loves - my baggy element shirt and element skateboard. There was NO WAY that they were getting anywhere near them. They'd be deader than a goth party if they layed a single finger on my babies. That aside, we set to work on planning only the best collection of practical jokes known to mankind itself. After a quick 10 minutes or so of brainstorming, we were ready.

We began by getting our supplies; Greenwood's Xtra Sticky Tar, tacks, feathers and 12 tins of Leotex spraypaint in 'Glowing Green'. Next, we chose our victim; Steve-O. Raab grabbed the tar, Dunn grabbed the feathers, and I held the camera. The master plan was to lather Steve-O in a nice thick coat of tar, then envelope him in feathers, which would more than likely be stuck to him for the rest of the day.

A Jackass One Shot - WWPWhere stories live. Discover now