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Maya sunk to the ground as tears streamed down her face. She wrapped her arms around her bent knees as the chilly, autumn wind nipped at her skin.
Her mangled hair blew around in every direction, revealing her makeup smeared face.

Maya was just walking home. Lucas insisted he drive her home, but not tonight. Tonight the sky was clear and the stars were out; she had wanted to walk. The view was too beautiful; she couldn't miss it.
She had rounded the curb of her street, and was almost to her apartment building when he struck. He grabbed her from behind and had drug her behind one of the buildings. She would've never believed in a million years that this would have happened to her. This was the kind of stuff you heard of on the news or saw in movies; this wasn't something that would actually happen to her, but it did.
As soon as he was finished with her, he ran. Maya was too weak to scream or chase after him; all she could do was cry. She sat in that cold alley crying, but this was Maya Hart. She couldn't continue to be weak. So she texted her best friend, and not long after she heard a car door slam and someone run to her.
Maya looked up through her tears to see Riley drop down beside her. "Riles."
"Maya, what happened? Are you okay?"
Maya only shook her head as her body shook with sobs.
Riley wrapped her arms around Maya as she cried, "Peaches..."
Riley looked back to her running car, "Farkle!"
Farkle got out of their car and ran over to the two girls.
"Help me walk her to the car." Riley told Farkle as they helped Maya stand.

On the ride to Riley and Farkle's, Maya sat in the back seat curled up in Riley's lap. Riley tenderly stroked her blonde locks as she and Farkle exchanged a worried glance in the mirror.

As they walked into the Minkus' apartment, Riley cut on a lamp and fully took in Maya's appearance. Riley quickly begin to shake her head as she soon realized what had happened.
"Peaches, we need to get you to the hospital."
"No! I- I don't want to!" Maya said as she violently shook her head.
"Maya..." Farkle said as he sat beside her.
She instantly flinched and Farkle quickly put some space between them. "Maya, we need to make sure you're okay."
"Of course I'm not okay!" She yelled at him.
"Maya, let's get you a shower and into some clean clothes then." Riley gently told her.
Maya nodded and got up, following Riley to her closet.

As Maya showered Riley found Farkle sitting on their couch with his head in his hands. "Farkle..." She said as she approached him.
He looked up and opened his arm as she went to him and sat in his lap. Tears slowly formed on both of their faces.
"Why...why would this happen to her?" Riley asked him.
Farkle shook his head as he looked up at his wife, "I don't know... I don't know Riley..."
"I'm going to try to get her to go to the hospital; she needs to make sure she's okay.."
"I know; please try to convince her to go." Farkle told her.
Riley nodded her head and wiped the tears from her cheeks as she stood up.

A few minutes later, Maya came out of the bathroom dressed in a pair of Riley's overalls. She walked over to Riley and sat beside her on the bed.
"Riles...my first time was suppose to be special." Maya said as her shoulders begin to shake. "It was suppose to be with my husband...on our wedding night."
By now she was sobbing in Riley's lap. All Riley could do was hold her; there was nothing she could say. No words would make this any better.

When Maya tears began to subside, she sat up and Riley pushed a strand of hair out of her eyes. "Maya," She said, taking one of her hands, "I know you don't want to, but you need to go to the hospital."
Maya gazed at the floor, and a few moments later, nodded her head. "Good." Riley told her, "Farkle and I will take you if you want us to."
Maya nodded her head again, and so Riley stood up holding onto Maya's hand.

After Maya is checked in, Farkle and Riley wait in her room with her. They listen as the nurse asks Maya a series of difficult questions; Maya holding back tears with each one.
"Mrs. Hart, the doctor will be by in a little bit to give a physical examination. Take it easy sweetheart." The silver haired nurse told Maya as she gave her hand a gentle squeeze before leaving.
Maya blankly stared at ceiling as she released the tears she had been holding in. There were no sobs or cries this time, only tears.
It seemed Maya couldn't find the strength to do anything else.
Her heart ached and she kept praying this was some horrible nightmare that she would wake up from eventually.

She looked over at her two best friends. Riley was asleep with her head laid on Farkle's shoulder.
Farkle was awake, and he met her eyes as he gave her a soft smile. Maya reached out her hand and Farkle held it between his.
"Farkle?" She asked.
"Yeah Maya?"
"Can you do me a favor?"
"Of course." He replied.
"Could you call Lucas...I want him here with me." She told him.
Farkle nodded his head and laid Maya's hand down beside her on the bed.
He gently shook Riley, "Sweetie wake up. I'm going to go get some fresh air and call Lucas. Do you want to come?"
Riley rubbed her eyes as she yawned, "No. I'm staying with Maya."
"Okay, I'll be back in a minute." He said as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her forehead.

As soon as Farkle walked outside of the hospital, he sat down on the bench and called Lucas.
It took a few rings, but he eventually answered. "Hey Farkle..." He groggily answered.
"Hey, sorry to be calling you so late man, but it's Maya."
"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, fully awake now.
"She's in the emergency room and she wants you here with her." Farkle told him.
"What, why? Why is she in the hospital?" He quickly asked as Farkle could hear the shuffle of him getting dressed on the other end.
"I think she needs to tell you that herself."
"I'll be there in five minutes!"
"I'll wait outside for you. Be careful man." Farkle told him, knowing Lucas was most likely going to speed.

Farkle soon saw his best friend's familiar red truck pull into the dark parking lot, and seconds later he was running up to him.
"Where's she at?" Lucas asked.
"I'll take you to her." Farkle said as he stood up, "But Lucas...be gentle with her. She's had a very, very horrible night."
Lucas looked at Farkle confused, but he could only think about getting to his fiance.

When they approached Maya's door, they saw Riley standing outside of it. "Riley?" Farkle asked.
She walked over to them and gave him a hug, "The doctor's in there now."
Farkle nodded his head and Riley looked over at Lucas, "Oh Lucas..."
She leaned over and wrapped her arms around him too.
"Okay. WHAT is going on? Is she okay?"
Farkle and Riley looked at Lucas, and Riley shook her head as she placed her hand over her mouth, trying not to cry again.
"She'll feel better now...now that you're here." Farkle told him.

A few minutes later the doctor exited Maya's room and looked at her friends, "You can go back in now."
"Go on in Lucas." Farkle told Lucas as he sat down on the floor with Riley.

When Lucas opened the door, Maya looked up and instantly began to cry. He softly shut the door and rushed to her.
"Maya..." He said as he sat up on her bed and she laid her head on his chest. "Shhh... sweetheart."
"Huckleberry.." She cried looking up at him, "I'm so sorry..."
"What... what is it?" He asked her.
"I was walking home from Riley and Farkle's... and...and... Lucas, I was raped."

an: so here's the first chapter to my first lucaya story! I've been wanting to do this for a while, but just couldn't find the right words...I honestly don't think this is that great, but please tell me what you think!
love you all & God bless!

p.s. I'll be updating It's Me, It's You soon!

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