LE BOB THE BLOB!!!!!!!!! :O

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OMG IT'S BOB!! Haven't seen you in a while, eh?

Bob: wew

Nice Bob. Let me tell you about Bob. Bob is my second OC. Euh.. Third. I have Ruka, myself and Bob. Those are all mine. NO COPYRIGHT. Bob is the size of a child. Like 150 cm..? He plays triangle and can't talk. He can only make a 'wew' sounding noise. He sounds a bit like the shy guys from Mario. He's funny, a good friend, loves girls, loves boobs (why? Idk), and is Ruka's best friend. Arianna's also I think. Arianna has a lot of other friends. Oh, and remember this; BOB HAS SWAG!

Bob is love, Bob is life.

Okay forget that.


Arianna's awesome art 2.0Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt