Chapter 1

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   Well fuck. Why the hell has my life gone to shit? I didn't do anything, so how the fuck did all this happen? Now I have to go live with my brother, who hates me, for a year, because our parents can't deal with me. Let me give you a bit of backstory.

"Kayla Biersack, report to the office." The intercom blared. I grabbed my stuff and walk out, making sure to keep my head high and my expression carefree. I can't jeopardize my position as the popular bitch, as much as I hate it.

     I enter the office, and the secretary glares at me. I laugh under my breath. "Mr.Franklyn wants you in his office." I nod and walk there, not bothering to knock.

    "Miss Biersack, please sit." I sigh, then do what he says. "We have seen how many fist fights you are getting into. We cannot have such a troublemaker student in our school. You are being expelled, and will not be readmitted. But, seeing as you are such a bright student, we are providing you with your diploma. Congratulations, now goodbye." He hands me my diploma and I walk out.

Well shit, my parents are going to kill me. And this means that they know about the fights. As long as they don't finds out about the fight club I go to, everything will be moderately okay.

I grab all my things, and hop on my bike. I start my baby off and zip home. Both of my parent's cars are in the drive. Shit.

I enter normally, head high, face carefree. Like always. "Kayla Marie Biersack. How could you? Why can't you be more like Andy? He never got expelled, he never got in fist fights, and he never was a disgrace to his family, even if he dresses like a fag. So, me and your father have decided that you are living with him until you can behave. At least a year. Pack your things, the plane leaves tonight."

The shock is evident on my face for a few seconds, then I turn and go upstairs to pack. I don't pack much, a suitcase and a backpack. And my carry on. I've flown enough before to know what I can bring.

I'm dreading this. Andy hates me, and I know why. I've alway acted like a bitch to him, even though I love him, admire him, and want to be more like him. My parents hate me more. The car starts and we're at the airport in no time at all. They call my flight, and I turn around to say goodbye.

"Mom, what do you think your favorite child would say if he knew that you constantly call him a fag and emo behind his back? And dad? Do you seriously agree with her, or are you taking her shit because you love her? Goodbye." I turn and board the plane.

On the plane, I listen mostly to my brother's band, even though no one knows that I love them. Honestly, if Andy wasn't my brother, I’d fangirl when I meet them officially. Yes, I know all of them and have met all of them, but I mostly stayed in my room when they were around. Hell, I stayed in my room all the time. Either that, or I was at someone else's house.

I adored the guys in the band, but after the incident with one of the old members, I haven't been able to trust anyone. I pulled away from everyone after the incident. But no one cared enough to notice.

The person in the seat next to me wakes me up. I thank her and stand up. I had held my carry on in my lap, I'm a paranoid person.

I see Andy instantly, mainly because of his giraffe-like hight. I walk up to him and he looks extremely pissed. He reached for my suitcase to take it, but I give him a look. He just shrugs and leads me to the car.

The tension in the car is so heavy, you could cut it with a knife. Andy's knuckles are white as he grips the steering wheel. Honestly, I'm sitting here tensed up waiting for him to hit me. Its what I'm used to. I don't think he can see my fear, but its there.

"why do you do it? Fight so much, act like a bitch, push everyone away, everything. I just want to know why." I take a deep breath.

"I-i-i don’t know." I lie. Andy can tell. I can't tell him. I refuse to tell anyone how fucked up I am. How much I don't feel. And when I do, it’s rarely more that hate. And usually towards myself. I became a prep after we moved so I wouldn’t get bullied. No one knew that I got bullied in my old school before we moved. And a shit ton too. It escalated to getting beat.

I was happy when we first moved. I instantly became popular. Everyone loved me. But I slowly began to regret what I did. I didn't want to be fake. I became a bitch to everyone, because I was angry all the time and to keep up my persona.

I've always hid the real me, along with anything that happened to me that could affect my reputation. I can't handle it, so I began to fight.

"Kayla. Seriously. I miss my fun loving sister who used to play with me all the time. What happened? When we moved you changed. And when I first formed the band you pushed everyone away. Why did you change?" I sigh, and don't say anything.

We get to a huge house. "I don't know if you know this, but the whole band lives in the same house." I tense up a bit, but he doesn't notice.

"Okay" I'm attempting not to speak much. I grab my bags and enter the house.

"Guys! Me and Kayla are back!" The guys come down the stairs, and cc gives me a bear hug. I groan. The recent trip to the club had left me a bit sore, and I'm fairly sure I bruised a rib.

"CC, I missed you too, but please loosen your grip." He let's go and I nearly fall to the floor, holding my side. CC catches me, and after a few seconds I can stand again.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all. Hi guys." I say, smiling weakly.

"Kayla, do you want a painkiller?" Asks Andy. I nod.

"I have some, can you get me a monster?" I know that he has them, and I love them. He nods and walks towards what I assume is the kitchen. I limp to a couch and grab my purse.

Andy comes back with a monster and I flash him a thankful smile. "Fight?" He asks. I nod and swallow the pills. "Injuries?"

"Umm," I feel down my ribs. "two bruised ribs and a minorly sprained wrist." I lift up my left hand. There was an ace bandage under the bracelets. He sighed.

"Fight?" Asked jinxx. I was closest to him. The only person I trusted in the band completely, including Andy.

"I got expelled mostly for the fistfights I got in. That and I rarely treat the teachers with respect. A few, sure. They earned my respect, and respected me. But mostly the fights." And cue the idiots.

"You a good fighter?" Asks ash.

"You have no idea." I reply, with a smirk. It's true. I'm one of the best fighters and have never lost a fight. When I fight back. I bet I could take him on if I wasn't injured.

"Ashley." Andy sent in a warning tone. I sighed. There is no way that I'm going to be able to stop fighting. Sorry.

"Kayla, do you want me to show you around?" Asks jinxx. I nod. Most of the reason why I trust jinxx so much is because I've known him longer than Andy has. I introduced him to sammi. He’s the brother of some kids I babysit. I love those kids. He's helped me a lot, and knows more about me than Andy or my parents.

He shows me all the rooms quickly, then shows me my own. I gasp. It's amazing.  The walls are black, with sparkly colorful swirls on each wall, a different color on each one. Green, red, purple, and teal. There's an in suite bathroom, thank god. And a walk-in closet. I hug him.

"I love it. Thank you." I say. He gives me a we need to talk look and I sigh and sit on my bed, complete with batman blankets.

{I will most likely be abandoning Am I your Fallen Angel. I like this book alot more. And sorry if the first two chapters are fucked up. I uploaded them, then the whole thing disappeared. Good luck muffins!} 

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