Tico the taco

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There once lived a small taco over de hills in Mexico.

"Mama papi cried out little Tico" as he was fighting a red hot chilli pepper nam Jorge (pronounced hor-hey). Jorge was a lot bigger and stronger then little Tico. Tico got his but whopped by Jorge but that didn't stop Tico.

Tico got home and cried and cried. But then he had an idea little Tico decided to work out. Tico worked out so much that he was huge. Now the biggest taco in the land Tico picked his fight.

Tico met Jorge at high noon this battle was about to go down. Jorge and Tico both on opposite sides of the arena got there pep-talk. " Tico do this for mi familia. Do this for Mexico Tico."

One, two, three and fight. Jorge comes out swinging BAM! right in the head. Tico gets back up and them BAM! Tico clabbered Jorge. he's down! 1,2,skip a few 10. OMG Tico wins I knew it I knew it. "I-I- want to just thank mi familia for all the strength and encourageness" Tico states! THE END........... or was it the end

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2013 ⏰

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